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will be appropriately adjusted. We will improve the wage and subsidy system for the employees of government offices and public institutions, and weight the system toward regions where conditions are harsh and toward special posts. We will raise the personal income tax threshold and create expense deductions for items like children's education and treatment for serious diseases, appropriately lightening burdens, and encouraging our people to increase their incomes and achieve prosperity through hard work.

We will develop fair, high-quality education.

We will promote the integrated development of urban and rural compulsory education, and continue to weight funding for education toward poor areas and weak links. We will significantly reduce the rural drop-out rate, move faster to put an end to big class sizes in urban schools, and give attention to addressing the problem of heavy extracurricular burdens on primary and secondary school students.

Children are the hope of their families and the future of our nation. We will increase the supply of preschool educational resources through multiple channels and use the internet and other IT-based approaches to strengthen oversight over the whole process of childcare provision, making certain that parents can have peace of mind.

We will support the provision of vocational education by private actors. We will work to make senior secondary education universally available. With the needs of economic and social development as our compass, we will improve the structure of higher education, act faster to develop world-class universities and world-class disciplines, and support the central and western regions in building universities with character and of high quality.

We will continue the higher education admissions scheme with preferential provisions for students from rural and poor areas. We will develop ethnic minority education, special needs education, continuing education, and online education. We will improve the competence of our educators and strengthen teacher ethics. We need to work hard to provide education that our people are satisfied with, and ensure that every individual has an equal opportunity to change their life and realize their dreams through education.

We will implement the Healthy China strategy.

We will raise the basic medical insurance and serious disease insurance benefits. Per capita government subsidies for basic health insurance for rural and non-working urban residents will be increased by 40 yuan, half of which will be used for the serious disease insurance scheme. We will expand the