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North Dakota
boundaries with state of North Dakota Art. 1, §2
adjustment of debts and liabilities of territory of Dakota Art. XIII, §6
Agreement by joint commission concerning
territorial records, books, and archives Art. XXVI, §23
Notaries Public
Legislature, notaries not disqualified from serving in Art. III, §3


civil officers generally, oath required Art. XXI, §3
legislators, oath of office required of Art. III, §8


Packing Houses
state operation of packing houses permitted Art. XXIX, §1
Pardons and Paroles
Governor's power to grant Art. IV, §3
constitutional status as state institution Art. XIV, §1
governance Art. XIV, §2
disqualification from service in Legislature by conviction Art. III, §4
Permanent School Fund
establishment and use of fund Art. VIII, §§2,3,11
see School Fund
foreign corporation to have agent for receipt of process in state Art. XVII, §6
Public Contracts
legislator's interest in contract prohibited Art. III, §12
Public Funds
annual statement of receipts and expenditures Art. XI, §12; Art. XII, §4
appropriation required for disbursement of public funds Art. XI, §9; Art. XII, §1
education enhancement trust fund Art. XII, §6
failure to pay over public moneys, disqualifying for
service in Legislature Art. III, §4
health care trust fund Art. XII, §5
private profit from public funds as felony Art. XI, §11
warrant required for disbursement Art. XII, §1
Public Lands
disclaimer of right and title to federal public lands Art. XXII
tax exemption of federal property Art. XXII
Public Officers and Employees
bribery and corrupt solicitation to be defined and punished Art. III, §28
disqualification by conviction of bribery or corrupt solicitation Art. III, §28
emergency succession to office Art. III, §29
executive officers of principal state departments, appointment, removal Art. IV, §9