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largest provider of telecommunications services in the world, as measured by the total number of subscribers,[1] with approximately 946 million mobile customers worldwide as of March 2020.[2] China Mobile reported a 2019 operating revenue of $107 billion, of which approximately 90 percent came from telecommunications services.[3]

Outside of China, China Mobile operates through its subsidiary, China Mobile International.[4] China Mobile USA, a subsidiary of China Mobile International, was registered in Delaware in May 2011; it maintains offices in New York and California.[5]

On September 1, 2011, China Mobile USA applied for Section 214 authorization to provide international facilities-based and resale services between the United States and all international points, including China.[6] China Mobile USA planned to provide a variety of international services, including international interexchange services, international private line circuits, and mobile virtual network operator services, as well as data center and cloud services, for which no

  1. Id.; In the Matter of China Mobile Int'l (USA) Inc., FCC No. 19-38, 34 FCC Red 3361, n.12 (May 10, 2019); China Mobile Closing Down 3G System, Complete Switch-Off Expected by 2020, Telegeography (Mar. 11, 2019),; The World's Top 10 Telecommunications Companies, Investopedia (May 16, 2019),
  2. See China Mobile FY2019 Form 20-F, supra note 123, at 21; Investor Relations—Monthly Customer Data, China Mobile Limited,
  3. Investor Relations—Key Operation Data, China Mobile Limited, See China Mobile FY2019 Form 20-F, supra note 123, at 3.
  4. Application of China Mobile International (USA) Inc. for International Section 214 Authority, File No. ITC-214-20110901-00289, Attach. 2 (filed Sept. 1, 2011),; Amendment to Application of China Mobile International (USA) Inc. for International Section 214 Authority, File No. ITC-214-20110901-00289 (Jan. 30, 2015),
  5. See History—About Us, China Mobile International,; Global Resources—Global Footprint, China Mobile International,
  6. See Int'l Bureau Selected Applications Listing, File No. ITC-214-20110901-00289, FED. COMMC'NS COMM'N, (listing "date filed" as September 1, 2011); Fed. Commc'ns Comm'n, Public Notice—International Applications Accepted for Filing, Report No. TEL-01519S (Sept. 16, 2011); In the Matter of China Mobile Int'l (USA) Inc., FCC No. 19-38, 34 FCC Red 3361, 3367, ¶ 4 (May 10, 2019).