Page:20th annual meet- League of American Wheelmen, Aug. 14th to 19th '99, Boston, Massachusetts.djvu/26

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Crescent Bicycles.

No unreliable wheels at any price, is the best guarantee we can offer. Think this over; it means a lot to you. All we ask is that the Crescent wheels be compared, piece by piece, with any other, at any price, and remember that the Crescent people use no stock parts, no imitations and no cheap material in their product.

$35 to all

E. E. BROWN, 178 Columbus Ave., Boston.

EVERY Visiting Wheelman is cordially
invidted to visit the home of

Columbus Ave. and Berkeley St.

A guide is appointed to show visitors through the various departments of the building, from which go, every week, 526,389 copies of The Companion to nearly every post-office in the United States and to every great country in the world. The sun never sets on readers of The Companion.


Perry, Mason & Co.

201 Columbus Avenue