Page:20th annual meet- League of American Wheelmen, Aug. 14th to 19th '99, Boston, Massachusetts.djvu/64

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A FATE BAMSCe LN! A dainty parlor suit, as shown in above cut— fine mahogany finished frames of latest design, well made, | a es eae rem | and coyered as you may choose, for the i $18. 50/1 remarkable price of ‘The above is only ONE of many rare bargains always on show at the big up-town store of 1077 WASHINGTON ST., He KEATON 22 Coe” nearer N, B.—PRICES WAY BELOW those of down-town stores. Liberal credit if desired. [ee ae ae I SPORTSMAN’S TRUNK PRICE LIST :

Grade A, $78 00 Grade B, a 22 00 Grade BX 3: 25 00 Grade C ces) 25 00 Grade CX: : jo 00 HHH It carries rifle, shot gun, fish- ing tackle, 250 loaded shells and full complement of clothing. So constructed that cover cannot be broken off. ‘The Cover Folds’! with automatic locks. Endorsed by all sportsmen who have seen it. For saleonly by the manu- facturers. Also Trunks for all purposes; professional and dress trunks, and all kinds of Leather Goods. Send for Catalogue 4o. THE NEW DEPARTURE TRUNK €OF 78 SUMMER STREET . . BOSTON


SO HARTFORD AND 113 PURCHASE STREETS, Boston, MAss. All the Half-Tone Cuts Used in this Souvenir Were Made by Us Successors to Boston Engraving & McIndoe Printing Co. Blanchard & Watts Engraving Co. Engraving Dept. of C. J. Peters & Son. THE GRAND.... White Mountain Region THE SEASHORE AND LAKES OF NEW ENGLAND Are Reached by the Aoston € Maine Railroad If your time is limited, you can visit many delightful resorts in a day. Full information, tickets and illustrated descriptive matter may be obtained at City Ticket Office, 322 Washington St., Boston. D. J. FLANDERS, Gen'l Pass. & Ticket Agt.