Page:2500 books for the prison library (1933).djvu/45

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See also Brewer, Walsh, Warner, etc. in Refennrce

804 Books and Reading

BECKER, M. L. Adventures in reading. 1927 Stokes $2
ERSKINE, John. Delight of great books. 1928 Bobbs $2.50
MOTT, F. L. Rewards of reading. 1926 Holt $1.50
QUILLER-COUCH, A. T. On the art of reading. 1925 Putnam $3
ROGERS, R. E. Fine art of reading. 1929 Stratford $2.50
SMITH, C. A. What can literature do for me? rev ed 1924 Doubleday $1

805 Public speaking. Debates

For other books on this subject, see also 370

McGEE, J. A. Persuasive speaking. 1929 Scribner $1.60
O'NEILL, J. M., comp. Modern short speeches. 1923 Century $1.75
PEABODY, G. E. How to speak effectively. 1929 Wiley $1.50
ROBBINS, E. C. High school debate book. new and rev ed 1923 McClurg $1.50
ROGERS, R. E. How to be interesting. 1931 Page $2
SHURTER, E. D. & Marsh, C. A. Practical speech-making. 1929
Houghton $1.60}}

806 Letter Writing

For other books on this subject, see also 653

CROWTHER, M. M. O. How to write letters. 1931 Star bks $1
MYERS, Elizabeth. Social letter. Brentano's $1.25 1918

807 Grammar. Composition

BAKER, J. T. Correct word, how to use it. 1929 Correct Eng pub co $1.50
CARR, E. H., comp. Putnam's minute-a-day English. 1921 Putnam $1.90
ESENWEIN, J. B. Writing good English. Home correspondence school $2
FERNALD, J. C. English grammar simplified. 1916 Funk $1
HADIDA, S. C. Pitfalls in English. 1927 Putnam $1.90
O'ROURKE, L. J. Self-aids in the essentials of grammatical usage, rev ed 1927 Educ and personnel pub co, Wash, D.C. $1
POLK, A. E. Better speech. 1922 Century $1
WOOLLEY, E. C. & others. High school handbook of composition. 1931 Heath $1.16

808 Writing. Journalism

DIXON, Peter. Radio writing. 1931 Century $2.50
ESENWEIN, J. B. Studying the short-story. 1928 Noble $1.75
———Writing for the magazines. 1928-9 Home correspondence school $1
——— Writing the short-story, rev ed
1928 Noble $2
HOOVER, H. M. & Carlton, ft F. Learning to write. 1929 Ronald $2
McKENZIE, Vernon. Behind the headlines. 1931 Cape $2.50
PENCE, R. W. Manual of the mechanics of writing. 1921 Macmillan $1.10