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§ 11.2-1
Title 30—Mineral Resources

accordance with the schedules set forth in paragraph (a) and in accordance with a quality control plan approved under this part: Provided, That if a respirator is purchased on or before September 30, 1974 and at the time of purchase was the same in all respects as a respirator approved under a Bureau of Mines Schedule, it shall be approved for use until the following dates:

Until March 31, 1979, for self-contained breathing apparatus approved under Bureau of Mines Schedules 13-13E;

Until March 31, 1977, for gas masks approved under Bureau of Mines Schedule 14F,

Until March 31, 1980, for supplied -air respirators approved under Bureau of Mines Schedule 19B,

Until March 31, 1976, for filter-type dust, fume, and mist respirators approved under Bureau of Mines Schedule 21B and for nonemergency gas respirators approved under Bureau of Mines Schedule 23B.

(c) After March 31, 1975, respirators or combinations of respirators shall be approved for use in hazardous atmospheres where such respirators or combinations of respirators are maintained in an approved condition and are the same in all respects as those respirators for which a certificate of approval has been issued under this part: Provided, That if a respirator is purchased on or before March 31, 1975, and at the time of purchase was the same in all respects as a respirator approved under a Bureau of Mines Schedule and was manufactured pursuant to a quality control plan approved under this part, it shall be approved for use until the following dates:

Until March 31, 1979, for self-contained breathing apparatus approved under Bureau of Mines Schedule 13-13E;

Until March 31, 1977, for gas masks approved under Bureau of Mines Schedule 14F;

Until March 31, 1980, for supplied-air respirators approved under Bureau of Mines Schedule 19B;

Until March 31, 1976, for filter-type dust, fume, and mist respirators approved under Bureau of Mines Schedule 21B and for nonemergency gas respirators approved under Bureau of Mines Schedule 23B.

[39 FR 12864, Apr. 9, 1974]

§ 11.2-1 Selection, fit, use, and maintenance of approved respirators.

In order to insure the maximum amount of respiratory protection, approved respirators shall be selected, fitted, used, and maintained in accordance with the provisions of the American National Standard Practices for Respiratory Protection, Z88.2, obtainable from American National Standards Institute, Inc., 1430 Broadway, New York, NY 10018.

§ 11.3 Definitions.

As used in this part―

(a) "Air Contamination Level" means the standards of contaminant levels prescribed by the Secretary of Labor in accordance with the provisions of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (Public Law 91-596; 84 Stat. 1590).

(b) "Applicant" means an individual, partnership, company, corporation, association, or other organization that designs, manufactures, assembles, or controls the assembly of a respirator and who seeks to obtain a certificate of approval for such respirator.

(c) "Approval" means a certificate or formal document issued by the Bureau and the Institute stating that an individual respirator or combination of respirators has met the minimum requirements of this Part 11, and that the applicant is authorized to use and attach an approval label to any respirator, respirator container, or instruction card for any respirator manufactured or assembled in conformance with the plans and specifications upon which the approval was based, as evidence of such approval.

(d) "Approved" means conforming to the minimum requirements of this Part 11.

(e) "Auxiliary equipment" means a self-contained breathing apparatus, the use of which is limited in underground mine rescue and recovery operations to situations where the wearer has ready access to fresh air and at least one crew equipped with approved self-contained breathing apparatus of 2 hours or longer rating, is in reserve at a fresh-air base.

(f) "Bureau" means the U.S. Bureau of Mines, Department of the Interior.

(g) "Compressed breathing gas" means oxygen or air stored in a compressed state and supplied to the wearer in gaseous form.

(h) "Concentration limits for radionuclides" means the concentration limits set forth in Appendix B, Table 1, Column I of Title 10 CFR Part 20 by the Atomic Energy Commission.

(i) "dBA" means sound pressure levels in decibels, as measured with the A-weighted network of a standard sound level meter using slow response.