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Mine Safety and Health Admin., Labor
§ 7.43

(3) A duration of burning not exceeding 2 minutes in each of the 6 tests.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1219-0100)

§ 7.29 Approval marking.

(a) Approved brattice cloth shall be legibly and permanently marked with the assigned MSHA approval number at intervals not exceeding ten feet. If the nature of the material or method of processing makes such marking impractical, permanent paint or ink may be used to mark the edge with an MSHA-assigned color code.

(b) Approved ventilation tubing shall be legibly and permanently marked on each section with the assigned MSHA approval number.

(c) An approved product shall be marketed only under a brand or trade name that has been furnished to MSHA.

§ 7.30 Post-approval product audit.

Upon request by MSHA but no more than once a year except for cause, the approval-holder shall supply to MSHA at no cost up to fifty feet of each ap- proved design of brattice cloth and ventilation tubing for audit.

§ 7.31 New technology.

MSHA may approve brattice cloth and ventilation tubing that incorporates technology for which the requirements of this subpart are not applicable, if the Agency determines that the product is as safe as those which meet the requirements of this subpart.

Subpart C―Battery Assemblies

§ 7.41 Purpose and effective date.

This subpart establishes the specific requirements for MSHA approval of battery assemblies intended for incorporation in approved equipment in underground mines. It is effective August 22, 1988. Applications for approval or extensions of approval submitted after August 22, 1989, shall meet the requirements of this part.

§ 7.42 Definitions.

The following definitions apply in this subpart:

Battery assembly. A unit or units consisting of cells and their electrical connections, assembled in a battery box or boxes with covers.

Battery box. The exterior sides, bottom, and connector receptacle compartment, if any, of a battery assembly, excluding internal partitions.

§ 7.43 Application requirements.

(a) An application for approval of a battery assembly shall contain sufficent information to document compliance with the technical requirements of this subpart and include a composite drawing with the following information:

(1) Overall dimensions of the battery assembly, including the minimum distance from the underside of the cover to the top of the terminals and caps.

(2) Composition and thicknesses of the battery box and cover.

(3) Provision for securing covers.

(4) Documentation of flame-resistance of insulating materials and cables.

(5) Number, type, and rating of the battery cells.

(6) Diagram of battery connections between cells and between battery boxes, except when connections between battery boxes are a part of the machine's electrical system.

(7) Total weight of the battery, charged and ready for service.

(8) Documentation of materials and configurations for battery cells, intercell connectors, filler caps, and battery top:

(i) If nonmetallic cover designs are used with cover support blocks; or

(ii) If the cover comes into contact with any portion of the cells, caps, filler material, battery top, or intercell connectors during the impact test specified by § 7.46.

(b) All drawings shall be titled, dated, numbered, and include the latest revision number.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 1219-0100)