Page:4SIGHT manual- a computer program for modelling degradation of underground low level waste concrete vaults (IA 4sightmanualcomp5612snyd).pdf/73

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A. 2 YACC Specification

int yylex(void)
void yyerror(char *)
void yyerror(s)
   char *s;
 /* fprintf (stderr,%s \t see line %d\n",s,input_file.line); */

void syntax_error (char *)
void syntax_error (char *s)
   fprintf (stderr "%,s \t see line %d\n",s,input _file_line)

%union {
       double  real;                   /* real value */
       long    int32;                  /* DoubleWord Integer */
       int     int16;                  /* SingleWord Integer */

%token <real> REAL
%token <int32> INT32
%token KILL
%token EQUALS
%token NEWLINE
%token DIFF
%token PERM
%token WC
%token NEUAX
%token YOUNGS
%token BETA
%token Ce
%token GAMMA
