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Donald Caird's come again :
Donald Caird's some again:
Tell the news in burgh and glen,
Donald Caird's come again.

Donald Cuird can lilt and sing,
Blythely dance the Highland fling
Drink till the guidman be blind;
Fleece till the guidewife be kind;—
Hoop a liglin, cloot a pan,
Crack a pow wi' ony man
Tell the news in burgh and glen,
Donald Caird's come again.

Donald Caird can wire a maukin,
Kens the wiles o dun deer stawkin;
Leisters kipper, makes a shift
To shoot moorfowl in the drift.
Water bailiffs, rangers, keepers,
He can wauk when you are sleepers:
Not for bountith or reward
Dare you mill,wi' Donald Caird.

Donald Caird can drink a gill
Fast as hostle wite can fill;
Ilka ane that sells good liquor
Kens how Donald bends a bicker.
When he's fou he's stout and saucy

Keeps the candle o'the causey: