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the peean is considered by many to be finer in flavor than the finest candy, and that the pecan kernel is recognized generally as the finest of dessert nuts. It is true that the paper shell makes it possible to remove whole kernels which appeal to the eye by their golden brown beauty: which appeal to the appetite by their delightful flavor; which are so palatable and so full of healthful nutriment that they meet with universal favor.

But it is from their exceptional food balance, their health-giving qualities, that pecans have their greatest advantage as a staple food. The use of such nuts for diabetics has long been recom- mended by capable members of the medical pro- fession, and the Journal of the American Medical Association for September 21, 1918, said, “There are abundant indications that nuts, which have long found a valued place in the dietary of the diabetic without detriment to his health, will grow in popularity as foods for the well,” Comment- ing on the experiments of Professor Cajori, of Yale University, the same publication speaks of “those properties of nuts which remove them from the category of luxuries and place them on the list of substantial components of the day’s ration.” “Tt should be remembered,” it adds, “that bulk for bulk they belong among the most nutritive foods ordinarily available.”

According to the analysis of Atwater, the pecan kernel contains:

11.0% protein ‘13.8% earbohydrates 71.2% fat 1.5% ash