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Steele and Sussman
The Art of the Interpreter



The entities constructed by programing are extremely complex. Accurate construction of large programs would be impossible without specific techniques for controlling this complexity. Most such techniques are based on finding ways to decompose a problem into almost independently solvable subproblems, allowing a programmer to concentrate on one subproblem at a time, ignoring the others. When the subproblems are solved, the programmer must be able to combine the solutions with a minimum of unanticipated interactions. To the extent that a decomposition succeeds in breaking a programming problem into manageable pieces, we say that the resulting program is modular; each part of the solution is called a module. Well-designed programming languages provide features which support the construction of modular programs.

One decomposition strategy is the packaging or common patterns or the use of a language. For example, in Algol a for loop captures a common pattern of if and goto statements. Packages of common patterns are not necessarily merely abbreviations to save typing. While a simple abbreviation has little abstraction power because a user must know what the abbreviation expands into, a good package encapsulates a higher level concept which has meaning independent of its implementation. Once a package is constructed the programmer can use it directly, without regard for the details it contains, precisely because it corresponds to a single action he uses in dealing with the programming problem.

A package is most useful if its behavior is independent of the context of its use, thus reducing possible interference with other packages. Such a package is called referentially transparent. Intuitively, referential transparency requires that the meanings of parts of a program be apparent and not change, so that such meanings can be reliably depended upon. In particular, names internal to one module should not affect or be affected by other modules — the external behavior of a module should be independent of the choice of names for its local identifiers.

To make a modular program, it is often necessary to think of a computational process as having state. In such cases, if the state can be naturally divided into independent parts, an important decomposition may be the division of the program into pieces which separately deal with the parts of the state.

We will discuss various stylistic techniques for achieving modularity. One would expect these techniques to complement each other. We will instead discover that they can come into conflict. Pushing one to an extreme in a language can seriously compromise others.