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Steele and Sussman
The Art of the Interpreter

Part Two


Decomposition of State

We saw in Part One that an interactive top-level loop necessarily violates referential transparency. We wish to deal with the computer as an entity with state, which changes over time by interacting with a user. In particular, we want the computer to change over time by accumulating procedure definitions.

Just as the user wishes to think of the computer as having state, he may find it conceptually convenient to organize a program similarly: one part may deal with another part having state. Often programs are written for the purpose of analyzing or simulating a physical system. If modules of the program are to reflect the conceptual divisions of the physical system, then the program modules may well need to have independent state variables. Thus the notion of state is not just a programming trick, but may be required by the nature of the problem domain.

A simpler example of the use of state involves the use of a pseudo-random number generator. A LISP version of one might be:

  ((LAMBDA (Z)
           (COND ((> Z 0) Z)
                 (T (+ Z -32768.))))
   (* SEED 899.)))

This version of RANDOM uses the power-residue method for a 16-bit two's-complement number representation; the value produced is a: pseudo-random integer, and also is the seed for the next call. The caller of RANDOM is required to save this value and supply it on the next call to RANDOM.

This fact is unfortunate. The caller really has no interest in the workings of RANDOM, and would much prefer to simply call it as "(RANDOM)", for example, and get back a random number — because this would reflect most precisely the abstract notion of "random number generator". Such a generator would have to have state.

Suppose we are willing to live with this nuisance. Consider now building some larger program using RANDOM. Many levels up, the programmer who writes some high-level routine very likely does not care at all that a low-level routine uses RANDOM; he may not even know about the existence of that routine. However, if the state of the pseudo-random number generator is to be preserved, that programmer will have to deal with some state quantity he knows nothing about, for the sake of a program ten levels removed from his thinking. Just as PROCEDURES had to be passed all around for the sake of EVAL in Figure 2, so the state of RANDOM must be passed up and down and all around by programs which don't really care. This clearly violates our principle of modularity. (For an example of how bad this can