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1.Introduction 7
A.Background 7
B.The Thesis 10
2.The Source Language - SCHEME 15
3.The Target Language 18
4.The Target Machine 22
5.Language Design Considerations 25
6.The Use of Macros 28
7.The Imperative Treatment of Applicative Constructs 37
8.Compilation Strategy 44
A.Alpha-conversion and macro-expansion 45
B.Preliminary analysis 46
C.Optimization 49
D.Conversion to Continuation-Passing Style 56
E.Environment and closure analysis 60
F.Code generation 64
9.Example: Compilation of Iterative Factorial 69
10.Performance Measurements 86
11.Comparison with Other Work 88
12.Conclusions and Future Work 90
Notes 93
References 113
Appendix 117