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7. The Imperative Treatment of Applicative Constructs

Given the characteristics of lexical scoping and tail-recursive invocations, it is possible to assign a peculiarly imperative interpretation to the applicative constructs of SCHEME, which consists primarily of treating a function call as a GOTO. More generally, a function call is a GOTO that can pass one or more items to its target; the special case of passing no arguments is precisely a GOTO. It is never necessary for a function call to save a return address of any kind. It is true that return addresses are generated, but we adopt one of two other points of view, depending on context. One is that the return address, plus any other data needed to carry on the computation after the called function has returned (such as previously computed intermediate values and other return addresses) are considered to be packaged up into an additional argument (the continuation) which is passed to the target. This lends itself to a nonfunctional interpretation of LAMBDA, and a method of expressing programs called the continuation-passing style (similar to the message-passing actors paradigm [Hewitt]), to be discussed further below. The other view, more intuitive in terms of the traditional stack implementation, is that the return address should be pushed before evaluating arguments rather than before calling a function. This view leads to a more uniform function-calling discipline, and is discussed in [Declarative] and [Steele].

We are led by these points of view to consider a compilation strategy in which function calling is to be considered very cheap (unlike the situation with PL/I and ALGOL, where programmers avoid procedure calls like the plague see [Steele] for a discussion of this). In this light the code produced by the sample macros above does not seem inefficient, or even particularly convoluted.

Consider the expansion of (OR a b c):