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11.27 A.M. Affected by the poison; staggers when it attempts to walk; chewing movement of jaw and lips.

11.28 A.M. Salivation.

11.30 A.M. Pupils somewhat small.

11.31 A.M. Attempting to vomit.

11.35 A.M. Respiration becoming slower.

11.37 A.M. Respirations 16 per minute.

11.38 A.M. Copious salivation.

11.39 A.M. Respirations fallen to 12.

11.40 A.M. Respirations of a jerky character.

11.42 A.M. Tongue hanging out of the mouth.

11.43 to 11.45 A.M. Convulsions.

11.46 A.M. Convulsions lessening.

11.47 A.M. Convulsions stopped.

11.47½ A.M. Respiration completely stopped ; pupils dilating.

11.49 A.M. Heart stopped. Dead.

Experiment III.

A pariah dog was watched for about an hour, during which his respirations varied from 40 to 62 a minute.

His pulse was 120.

At 11.56 A.M. a very small quantity of fresh cobra virus was injected subcutaneously into the left thigh; the amount injected was about 0.l cubic centimetre. The dog lay down after the injection, and seemed to take no notice of what had been done.

12.14 P.M. Pulse 108.