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Local Effects of Cobra-poison.

It has been mentioned that severe pain is generally felt in the region of the cobra-bite. There are, however, gases on record which seem to prove that the intense mental shock of snake-bite renders the victim occasionally, insensible to the pain. This pain is accompanied by, or rather is dependent upon, a very characteristic local condition, which is of the utmost practical importance. If the body of a man or animal killed by snake-bite be examined, there may be scarcely a sign on the skin to mark the spot where the snake inflicted its bite; or possibly one or two small punctures, or even a scratch, may be found, especially if the part bitten be the fingers, which, of course, are apt to be forcibly and involuntarily retracted when the bite is felt. It may even happen that the part is slightly swollen or discoloured. But whatever may be the condition of the external aspect,

there will be found a distinct change in the state of the parts beneath. If an incision be made through the skin and carried through the punctures made by the snake's fangs, very little difference will be found in the true skin. It may be a little more injected than normal, and the punctures will be found to be intensely so just at the edges, and a small quantity of blood may be effused there. But the areolar tissue lying beneath the true skin is the site of the chief change. It will generally be seen to be of a purple colour, and to be infiltrated with