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Designated Military Officer: (4.c) The detainee denied any affiliation with al Qaida and denied knowing anyone who was affiliated with at Qaida. The detainee stated that he is simply Mujahedin, which he described as a follower of the beliefs as written in the Koran. Mujahedin are guardians over other Muslims.

Detainee (through translator): True.

Board Member: Back when you were in training at al Faroug, just to be clear, you never heard anybody mentioned or never knew anyone who was also trained at al Farouq, stayed in the guest house, or in the front lines with you that was connected with al Qaida or was a member of al Qaida?

Detainee (through translator): No.

Board Member: Thank you.

Presiding Officer: We asked that question because al Farouq training camp was run by al Qaida.

Detainee (through translator): I did not know that al Farouq was run by al Qaida until I got here; the interrogators told me.

Presiding Officer: Thank you.

Designated Military Officer: (4.d) The detainee advised that if he were released from prison he would return to Riyadh to get married.

Detainee (through translator): I want to go back to a normal life, not to just get married.

Presiding Officer: I understand.

Designated Military Officer: (4.e) The detainee denied that he received any weapons training during this three-year period in Riyadh and denied involvement in terrorists organizations.

Detainee (through translator): What three-year period?

Presiding Officer: This is presumably the period before you decided to go on jihad.

Detainee: [nods assent]

Designated Military Officer: (4.f) The detainee heard about the attacks in the United States approximately five to seven days later. The detainee did not approve of the attacks