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a. Elected officers to ASUCI, shall be subject to recall upon presentation of a petition, signed by a minimum of five percent (%5) of the undergraduate students eligible to vote for the specified officer, to the Legislative Council. Judicial Board members are subject to recall upon presentation of a petition, signed by five percent (%5) of the undergraduate students, to the Legislative Council.
b. All recall petitions must have a recall statement clearly stating the justification for the recall attempt. The individual(s) specified in the recall petition may challenge the validity of the petition if it is felt that the recall statement misrepresented the factual comments or events by filing a complaint with the ASUCI Judicial Board. Judicial Board members may challenge the recall petition through the Judicial Board Oversight Committee.
c. Upon presentation of said petition, the Legislative Council shall submit it to a vote of the undergraduate students not less than fifteen (15) academic days or more than two (2) academic quarters from the date of presentation of the petition to the Legislative Council.
d. Regular election procedures shall be followed as prescribed in the Elections Code.
e. A two-thirds (2/3) vote to recall, with at least twenty percent (20%) of the undergraduate students voting, shall be required to recall an elected officer or Judicial Board member.
f. Upon failure of a recall election, the specified elected officer or Judicial Board member shall not be subject to another recall for at least ten (10) school weeks.

All referenda, initiatives, ASUCI fee initiatives, or recall elections shall coincide with the most immediate regularly scheduled fall or spring student body at-large election, or a winter special election. No referendum, initiative, fee initiative, or recall petition may call for a lock-out (lockin) of ASUCI fees, annual budgetary allocations or investments; the allocation of all ASUCI funds remains the sole responsibility of the Legislative Council.



Section A

1. Control of all elections and related activities shall rest with the Election Commissioner, as empowered by the Election Code which shall be subject to the approval of the Legislative Council. The Elections Commission shall be chaired by the Executive Vice-President and shall consist of the Elections Commissioner and three (3) Deputy Commissioners, nominated by the Executive Vice-President and approved by a majority vote of all the voting members of the Legislative Council present. Should the Executive Vice President declare his/her candidacy for an