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Note.—This is very very shallow. I have never experienced any such compunctiousness with my own wives.—H. B. J.

"I shouldn't have minded so much," said the Bee, with some bitterness, just before breathing his last in the honey-pot, "only it happens to be my own make!"

"Is the White Rabbit beautiful?" someone inquired of the Albino Rat.

"She might be passable enough," replied the Rat, "but for one most distressing deformity. She has pink eyes!"

When the Ass was asked about his Cousin the Zebra, he said: "Do not speak about him—for he has disgraced us all. Never before has there been any eccentricity in our family!"

The full-blown Sausage professeth to have forgotten the days of his puppyhood.

"Will you allow me to pass?" said the courteous Garden Roller to the Snail.