Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/209

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spirit. He entered into a negociation with the republic in her behalf, and endeavoured to obtain her pardon, through the means both of the Florentine agent, and the nuncio of the pope; but every effort proved unsuccessful. He was become so infatuated, that his liberality towards Bianca knew no bounds. He spent the greatest part of his leisure time in her company, whilst she in return seemed to live for her benefactor, rather than her husband.

At first, the connection was kept secret. His father, Cosmo, had, in the very same year in which Francesco formed his acquaintance with her, invested him with the greatest part of the ducal dignity and power, and himself retired into solitude.

It was in the year 1566, a short time after the marriage of the prince with Joanna of Austria, that Bianca was introduced at court, and the partiality of the prince publicly avowed. He supported her in all she undertook, complied with her whims, and Went so far as to pronounce a solemn vow, that she should be his consort, as soon as both parties were at liberty.

Whilst Bianca enjoyed the favours of the prince, Buonavventuri experienced the effects of his unbounded liberality; Francesco invested him with the office and title of chamberlain; consulted him on the concerns of the state, and gave him a share in the government. This unexpected change of fortune so elated him, that he committed acts of the most cruel oppression, and treated Florentines of the first rank with extreme neglect and contempt; but, engaging in an intrigue with a lady of noble family, from which the menaces and complaints of her relations, and the counsel of Francesco and Bianca could not deter him, he was assassinated in 1562. The

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