Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/392

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GOMEZ, (MADELEINE-ANGELIQUE POISSON DE) Daughter of a French Comedian, and Wife of Don Gabriel de Gomez, a Spanish Gentleman, Born at Paris, 1684, died 1771.

An agreeable and most entertaining writer, possessed of a warm and lively imagination, which rendered her fully equal to all the genius of romance. Her writings are:

1. Lettre sur le Poeme du Clovis, de St. Didier, 8vo. 1725.

2. Histoire Secrette de la Conquete de Grenade, 12mo. 1733.

3. Oeuvres Melees, contenant ses Tragedies et autres Ouvrages, 12mo. 1724.

4. Anecdotes Persannes, 2 vols. 12mo. 1727.

5. Le Triomphe de l'Eloquence, 12mo. 1730.

6. Entretiens Nocturnes de Mercure et de la Renommees, 12mo, 1731.

7. La Jeune Alcidiane, 3 vols. 12mo. 1733.

8. Histoire d'Osman, Empereur de Turcs, 12mo. 2 vol. 1734.

9. Les Cent. une Nouvelles, 12mo. 18 vols. 1732.

10. Journees Amusantes, 12mo. 8 vols. 1733.

11. Histoire du Comte d'Oxfort, 12mo. 1737.

12. Crementine, Reine de Sanga, 12mo. 2 vols. 1740.

13. La Belle Assemblee, 12mo. 4 vols. 1750.

14. Theatrical pieces; Habis, Semiramis, Clearque, Marsidie, et les Epreuves, which were played with great success, particularly the first. She wrote some poetical pieces, in an easy and playful style. In her old age she retired to St. Germain's en Laye, where she died.

Letters on France.