Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/576

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daily since the marriage of Herod insured, as he supposed, his protection. He, therefore, came to Jerusalem; and being of a mild nature, interfered not in the government; but Herod, suspecting that Alexandra would urge him to recover his right, accused him of having invited over the Arabians by letter for that purpose, and caused him to be put to death. As soon as this was done, he prepared himself to attend the award of Augustus, who had lately defeated Antony at Actium. Having little to expect from his friendship, and fearing Alexandra might cause an insurrection in the kingdom, he caused her and his wife to be separated from the rest of his family, and placed under the care of his treasurer and Sohemus, at Alexandrium, a strong fortress.—They had always been faithful to him; and he commanded them, if any mischief should befal him, to destroy them both—and, as far as they were able, secure the kingdom to his sons and brother.

Remembering his former behaviour, Mariamne and her mother were suspicious in the present instance; and by paying all possible court to their keepers, especially Sohemus, by presents and promises, they prevailed upon him to reveal the secret of his commands as there was little probability of Herod's safe return. Contrary, however, to expectation, he made his peace with Caesar, and returned triumphant; bat Mariamne, feeling no security for her life while united to him, and the highest disdain of that love she considered as so hypocritical, did not attempt to conceal her resentment, although she did not declare the cause. She appeared rather distressed than rejoiced at his good fortune, and returned his caresses with a deep
