Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/650

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self against the other two, and received several wounds.

By this time people came to her assistance; and in searching these villains, there were found upon them presumptive proofs of a conspiracy. They confessed the whole, when put to the torture, and were quartered. Ann Musnier, Gerard de Langres her husband, and their descendants, were ennobled.

MYRO, a Byzantine elegiac Poetess, whose Mnemosyne is mentioned by Athenæus.

Written by the same Myro most probably (for Suidas mentions two of that name) are those various poems in elegiac verse, taken notice of by Pausanias, in his Bœotics. She is said to have been the wife of Condromachus, the philosopher.

Female Worthies.


A Grecian woman, eminent for her poetical talents, who taught Corinna, of Thebes, the art of writing verses. She lived a little before Pindar, and some fragments of her poems may be found with those of Anyta.

L'Advocat's Dict.


NEMOURS (MARY D'ORLEANS LONGUEVILLE, DUCHESS OF), Sovereign Countess of Neufchatel and Valengin; born 1624; died 1707.

She was married very young to the duke de Ne-
