Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/689

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the year 1691, in Cologne, intituled, Le Scielte Pitture Intagliate e dichiarate, da Car. Cat. Patina, with parts of many famous works.

Abecedario Pitt.


A learned and pious lady, of the family of the Scipios; a disciple of St. Jerom. She died 407, aged 57. St. Jerom wrote her life.

F. C. &c.

PEMBROKE (MARY SIDNEY, COUNTESS OF) born about the middle of the sixteenth century, daughter of Sir Henry Sidney, Knt. of the Garter, lord lieutenant of Ireland and lord president of Wales, and the beloved sister of Sir Philip Sidney.

Her natural genius was excellent; which assisted by a polite education, enabled her to make an illustrious appearance among the literati of that time.

About the year 1576, she married Henry lord Pembroke, by whom she had William, who succeeded him in his honours, Philip, and a daughter who died young.

Robert Dudley, earl of Leicester, her uncle, made the match for her, and paid part of her fortune. Her brother Sir Philip Sidney, the ornament of his age and country, was so exceedingly pleased with her fine genius, and excellent improvement of it, that he consecrated his ingenious romance to her under the title of The Countess of Pembroke's Arcadia, beginning 'dear and most worthy to be dear lady;' and Mr. Abraham Fraunce endeavoured to do her honour by devoting his labours to her; the titles of whose books induced some to think they were of her own composing. The titles are, The Countess of
