Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/711

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tence; in 1750, she died at Dublin, in the 39th year of her age.

Considered as a writer, she holds no mean rank. She was the author of The Turkish Court, or London Apprentice, a comedy, acted at Dublin, in 1748, but never printed. The first act of her tragedy, The Roman Father, was no ill specimen of her talents that way; and throughout her memoirs, which are written with great sprightliness and wit, are scattered many beautiful little pieces, written in the true spirit of poetry.

Female Worthies.

PITA (MARY), a Spanish Heroine,

Who, when the English besieged Corogna in 1589, and it was on the point of capitulation, with patriotic though vulgar eloquence, remonstrated with her countrymen, rushed herself to battle, in which she was so well seconded, that after killing 15000 of the enemy, she obliged them to raise the siege. Philip II. recompensed her valour, by giving her the rank and pay of an ensign for the remainder of her life; and Philip III. perpetuated it in the family.

Father Feejoo.

PLISSON (MADEMOISELLE), born at Chartres, in 1727;

A poetical and philosophical French writer.

PO (THERESA), a Neapolitan Painter,

Who painted principally for the Marchesa de Villena, who patronised her with great liberality, during all the time the marquis was viceroy at Naples.

Father Feejoo.