Page:A Biographical Dictionary of the Celebrated Women of Every Age and Country (1804).djvu/834

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France, and concluded a treaty with the queen of Hungary, joined the Austrian troops, and in conjunction with them, defeated the duke of Modena, the ally of Spain.

At this period, 1743, the Queen of Hungary seemed to triumph over all her enemies; his Imperial majesty, thinking himself unsafe even in the capital of his electorate, retired to Augsburg, and Munich fell a third time into her hands; while the Emperor, abandoned by his allies, repaired to Frankfort, where he lived in indigence and obscurity; and even his private treasures, plate, and cabinets, fell into the hands of his enemy. Various battles were fought, England now became a principal against France, by a treaty concluded at Worms, between his Britannic Majesty, the King of Sardinia, and Queen of Hungary, 1743.

The Queen refused to assent to an accommodation, hoping to obtain still more favourable terms; but her inflexibility proved favourable to the Emperor. The forlorn situation of this prince, excited the compassion, and roused the resentment of various potentates. The treaty of Frankfort was concluded, May 1744, between the Kings of Prussia and Sweden, as a German power in the empire, and the Elector Palatine; they engaged to preserve the constitutions of the Empire, and to support the Emperor in his rank and dignity; and agreed to interpose their good offices with the Queen of Hungary, that she might acknowledge the Emperor, restore his hereditary dominions, and give up the archives of the Empire that were in her possession. This confederacy broke all the measures of the King of England and Queen of Hungary. Various was the fate of the different battles fought, when, in 1745, Charles VIIth sunk beneath the united pressure of disease and calamity. The Grand-
