Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/31

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Hortic. Soc.; engr. in 'European Magazine,' 1795. Two Wedgwood medallions. Oil-painting and busts, one by Chantrey at Linn. Soc. Statue by Chantrey at Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist.; portr. at Kew. Banksia L. fil. Josephia Brown.

Barclay, Arthur (1852-91): b. Edinburgh, 3 Aug., 1852; d. Simla, 2 Aug., 1891. M.B.C.M., Glasgow, 1874. Prof. Physiology Med. Coll. Calcutta. Mycologist. Worked at Uredineæ. R. S. C. ix. 121. Numerous papers in Trans. Linn. Soc, Ann. Bot., Journ. Bot., &c.; Journ. Bot. 1891, 384.

Barclay, George (fl. 1835-41): b. Huntley, Aberdeenshire; d. Buenos Ayres. Kew gardener and collector. H.M.S. 'Sulphur,' 1835, to Chili, Peru, Panama, Sandwich Isles, Nootka, &c. Plants and MS. Journal in Herb. Mus. Brit. Gard. Chron. 1882, i. 305.

Barclay, Robert (1757-1830): b. 1757; d. 22 Oct., 1830. F.L.S., 1788. Of Clapham and Buryhill, Surrey. Had large garden. Hook. Exot. Fl. 166. Originated 'Bot. Mag.' (see dedication to vol. liv.) Pritz. 14; Bot. Misc. ii. 122. Portr. at Kew. Barclaya Wall.

Barham, Henry (d. 1726): d. Spanish Town, Jamaica, May, 1726. Surgeon, E.N. F.R.S., 1717. 'Hortus Americanus,' 1794 (written 1711). Pritz. 14; Jacks. 509. Sloane, Jamaica, ii., viii.; MSS. 4036. Pref. to Lunan's 'Hort. Jamaicensis,' ii. Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 186. Barhamia Kl. = Croton.

Barker, George (1776-1845): b. 1776; d. 6 Dec, 1845. Of Birmingham. F.R.S., 1839. Chemist. Had large collections of Orchids, &c. Flor. Cab.; Gent. Mag. n.s. xxv. 324; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 200. Statue in General Hospital, Birmingham. Barkeria Lindl.

Barker, John Theodore (fl. 1852). Of Bath. 'Beauty of Flowers,' 1852. Jacks. 43.

Barnard, Alicia M. (fl. 1845). Of Norwich. Grand-niece (?) of Sir J. E. Smith. Pryor, 'Flora of Hertfordshire,' xlvii.

Barrington, Hon. Daines (1727-1800): b. 1727; d. London, 11 March, 1800; bur. in Temple Church. F.R.S. 'Naturalists' Calendar.' Pritz. 14; Jacks. 219; Felton, 177; Baillon, i. 372; Nich. lllust. v. 582, w. portr.; vii. 4; Nich. Anec. ii. 553; iii. 3; viii. 424; Gent. Mag. lxx. 291; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 286. Barringtonia Forst.

Barrow, Sir John (1764-1848): b. Dragley Beck, Ulverston, Lancashire, 19 June, 1764; d. London, 23 Nov., 1848; bur. Camden Town. LL.D. Edin., 1821; F.K.S., 1805; F.L.S., 1810. Secretary to the Admiralty, 1804. Baronet, 1835. Autobiography, 1847. Proc. Linn. Soc. ii. 38; Dict. Nat. Biog. iii. 305. Portr. at Admiralty. Barrowia Dene.

Barter, Charles (d. 1859): d. Eabba, W. Africa, 15 July, 1859. Niger Expedition, 1857-9. A.L.S., 1858. Large Niger collection at Kew. Pritz. 14; E. S. C. i. 196; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1859-60. Barteria Hook. f.

Barton, Benjamin H. (fl. 1835). F.L.S., 1835. Of Great Bissenden. 'British Flora Medica,' 1837, with Thos. Castle. Pritz. 15; Jacks.