Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/34

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spondent of G. Johnston. Hist. Berw. Field Club, viii. 31. Agaricus Belliœ Berk.

Bell, George (1755-84): b. Greenhill, Dumfries, 1755; d. Manchester, Jan., 1784. M.D. Edinburgh, 1777. 'De physiologia plantarum,' 1777. Transl., with Memoir, Mem. Manchester Soc. ii. 397; Baillon, i. 395.

Belt, Thomas (1832-78): b. Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1832; d. Denver, Colorado, 21 Sept., 1878. Traveller. 'Naturalist in Nicaragua,' 1874. Contrib. to 'Fl. Northumberland and Durham.' Jacks. 368: i. 264; vii. 132; E. S. C. ix. 182; Gard. Chron. 1878, ii. 478; Trans. Northumb. and Durham, vii. 235; Proc. Geol. Soc. 1878-9, 48; Dict. Nat. Biog. iv. 204.

Bennet, Rev. William (d. 1805). Minister of Duddingston, 1786-1805. Drowned in D. Loch. Art. 'Duddingston,' in Sinclair, Stat. Ace. Scotl. xviii. 376, containing account of flora. Bennett, Edward (fl. 1852-53). Collected in Cornwall and New Forest. Phyt. o.s. iv. 1, 753; E. S. C. i. 273; Journ. Bot. 1872, 223.

Bennett, Edward Turner (1797-1836): b. Hackney, London, 6 Jan. 1797; d. 21 Aug., 1836. Elder brother of J. J. Bennett. Surgeon. Zoologist. Edited White's Selborne (1837). Assisted J. E. Gray in 'Nat. Arr. of Brit. PI.' Dict. Nat. Biog. iv. 241.

Bennett, Frederick Debell (fl. 1840). F.R.C.S.; F.R.G.S. 'Catalogue of Plants collected during the Tuscan's Voyage' in 'Narrative of a Whaling Voyage, 1833-36,' 1840. Pritz. 21.

Bennett, John Joseph (1801-76): b. Tottenham, Middlesex, 8 Jan., 1801; d. Maresfield, Sussex, 29 Feb., 1876. M.R.C.S., 1825; F.L.S., 1828; Sec. L.S., 1840-60; F.E.S., 1841. Assistant- Keeper, Bot. Dep. Brit. Mus., 1827. Keeper, 1857-70. 'Plantæ Javanicæ,' 1838-52. Pritz. 21; Jacks. 521; R. S. C. i. 275; Journ. Bot. 1876, 97, with portr.; Diet. Nat. Biog. iv. 246. Oil-portr. by Eddis and bust by Weekes at Linn. Soc, Kew, and Bot. Dep. Brit. Mus. Bennettia R. Br. = Cremostachys Tulasne. Bennettia Gray = Saussurea DC. Bennettia Miquel. Bennettites (fossil) Carruthers.

Bennett, John Whitchurch (fl. 1830). F.L.S., 1828. 'Coconut Pahn,' 1831. Jacks. 208. Bennett, William (fl. 1844). Ferns of N. Wales, Phyt. iii. 709. Discovered Teucrmm Botrys, 1844. Id. 737. Fl. Herefordsh., pref.

Benson, Rev. Thomas (1802-87): b. Cockermouth, Cumberland, Oct., 1802; d. Great Fambridge, Essex, 9 June, 1887. B.A. Cantab., 1824. Vicar of Great Fambridge, 1832. Contributed to Gibson's 'Flora of Essex.' Herbarium bequeathed to Essex Field Club. Bentall, Thomas (fl. 1845-62). Of Halstead, Essex. Manufactured a drying paper. Contributed to Gibson's 'Flora of Essex,' and Phyt. ii. and iii. Halstead Plants, Phyt. ii. 409. R. S. C. i. 280.

Bentham, George (1800-84): b. Stoke, near Plymouth, 22 Sept., 1800; d. London, 10 Sept., 1884. LL.D. Camb., 1874;