Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/46

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Nat. Biog. vii. 64. Portr. in vestry of St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich.; one at K. C. P.; one, with family, by Dobson, at Devonshire House; engr. by E. White in 'Works,' ed. 1686; and engr. at Linn. Soc, from Norwich portr.

Browne, Rev. William (c. 1628-78): b. Oxford, c. 1628; d. Oxford, 25 March, 1678; bur. in outer chapel, Magdalen Coll., Oxon. B.A. Oxon, 1647; B.D., 1665. Vice-President of Magdalen, 1669. 'Catalogus Horti Bot. Oxoniensis,' 1658, with Stephens and Bobart. "Chief hand in the composition of the Catalogue," Wood, Fasti, ii. 282. Pult. i. 167; Pritz. 44; Wood's Fasti Oxon. ii. 282. Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 75.

Brownlee, Rev. J. (fl. 1842). Missionary at the Cape. Had "a good general knowledge of Botany," and sent pl. to Harvey. Journ. Bot. 1842, 16. Brownleea Lindl.

Brownrigg, William (1771-1800): b. High Close Hall, Cumberland, 24 March, 1711; d. Ormathwaite, Keswick, 6 Jan., 1800. M.D. Leyden, 1735; F.E.S., 1741. 'Electrifying of Plants,' Phil. Trans. 1747, No. 482. Friend of Sloane, Hales, and Franklin. 'Literary Life,' by Joshua Dixon, 1801; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 85.

Bruce, Arthur (1725?-1805): b. 1725?; d. 1805. Sec. N. H. Soc. Edin. Land surveyor. Discovered Eriophorum pubescens, Contrib. to E. Bot. 128, 1908, &c. Herb, bequeathed to Sir J. E. Smith. Smith, Lett. i. 431-3. Bot. E. Bord. 197; Journ. Bot. 1863, 359.

Bruce, Henry (fl. 1830?). Plant collector under Wallich. Wall. List, p. 24.

Bruce, James (1730-94): b. Kinnaird, Stirling, 14 Dec, 1730: d. Kinnaird, 27 April, 1794. Traveller. Of Kinnaird. Consul at Algiers, 1763-5. In Abyssinia, 1769-1771. Pritz. 44; Biog. by A. Murray in 2nd ed. of 'Travels,' 1805; Baill. i. 503; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 98. Portr. engr. Heath, 1790, in his 'Travels.' Brucea J. S. Miller.

Brunton, John (fl. 1777). 'Cat. of pi. botanically arranged, most of wh. are cultivated and sold by . . .' at Perry hill, Birmingham, 1777. Contrib. to Witheriiig's Arrangement, ed. ii. (pref. xi.). Pritz. 46; Jacks. 409.

Brunton, William (1775-1806): b. 21 Oct., 1775: d. Eipon, 23 June, 1806. Muscologist. Of Eipon. F.L.S.,1806. Found Hypnum squarrulosum. E. B. 1709. Contrib. largely to E. Bot. Bot. Guide, 563-745. Dicranum Bruntoni Sm.

Bryant, Charles (d. 1799?). Of Norwich. Brother of the following. 'Flora Diætetica,' 1783. 'Dictionary of Ornamental .... Plants,' 1790. Pritz. 46; Jacks. 528; Linn. Trans, vii. 299.

Bryant, Rev. Henry (1721-99): b. 1721; d. Colby, Norfolk, 4 June, 1799. B.A. Camb., 1749; M.A., 1753; A.L.S., 1795. Eector of Colby, Norfolk. Contrib. to E. Bot. (221, &c.). Discovered Tilæea muscosa, 1766. 'Enquiry into cause of .... Brand,' 1784. Pritz. 46; Linn. Trans, vii. 297; Smith, Lett. i. 33; Gent. Mag. lxix. 1799, i. 532; Dict. Nat. Biog. vii. 155.