Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/56

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Cockfield, Joseph (1740?-1816) : b. 1740?; d. Mar., 1816. Upton, Essex. 'Catalogue of Scarce Plants.' 'The Botanist's Guide' (anon.), 1813 ; Letters, 1765-71, in Nich. Illust. v. 753-808. Pritz. 64 ; Jacks. 256 ; Friends' Books, i. 438. Fl. Midd, 398.

Cocks, John (1787-1861) : b. Sussex, 1787 ; d. Devonport, 1861 M.D. Algologist. 'Algarum fasciculi,' 1855-9. 'Seaweed Collector's Guide,' 1853. 'Marine Algæ,' Journ. Linn. Soc. iv. 101. Pritz. 64 ; Jacks. 242 ; R. S. C. ii. 5.

Coel, James (fl. 1610). Of Highgate. Merchant. Lobel's son-in-law. Had a botanic garden at Highgate. Introduced Cerasus Laurocerasus. Pult. i. 125.

Colden, Cadwallader (1688-1776) : b. Dunse, Scotland, Feb., 1688; d. Long Island, New York, 28 Sept., 17 M.D. Edin., 1705. Practised in Pennsylvania, 1708- 15. Surveyor-General of New York, 1719. Lieutenant-Governor 1761. Introduced Linnean system into America. ' Plantæ Coldenhamiæ' in 'Acta Upsaliensia,' 1743. Correspondent of Linnæus. 'Correspondence,' in Silliman's Journ. vol. xliv. Pritz. 65 ; 'Memorials of Bartram,' p. 19 ; Linn. Corr. ii. 451-8, 476 ; Nich. Anec. v. 484 ; Appleton, 'Cyclop. Americ. Biog.,' with portr. ; Dict. Nat. Biog. xi. 260. Coldenia L.

Colden, Jane afterwards Farquhar [see Fabquhar].

Cole, Rev. Thomas (fl. 1725). Of Gloucester. Correspond of Dillenius. Burnt his herbarium. Pult. ii. 191.

Colebrooke, Henry Thomas (1765-1837) : b. London, June, 1765; d. London, 10 Mar., 1837. F.E.S. ; F.L.. 1816. Sanskrit scholar. Chief Judge, Bengal. In Inc 1783-1815. Furnished oriental names for Roxburgh's 'Flora Indica.' On Menispermum Boswellia, &c., Trans. Linn. Soc. 1817-26. Collected in Sylhet; and sent plants and drawings to W. J. Hooker, Smith, Exot. Bot. ii. 115; Pritz. 65; R. S. C. ii. 12; Life by his son. Sir. T. E. Colebrooke, in his 'Miscellaneous Essays,' 1872 ; Dict. Nat. Biog. xi. 282 Colekbrookia Donn = Ceratanthera Horn. Colebrookea Sm.

Coleman, Rev. William Higgins (1816 ?-63): b. 1816?; s. 1838 Burton-on-Trent, 12 Sept., 1863. B.A. Camb., 1836; M.A 1838. Master at Christ's Hospital, Hertford; and, from 1847, at Ashby-de-la-Zouch Grammar School. Described Œnanthe fluviatilis. Discovered Bunium Bulbocastanum 1839. 'Flora Hertfordiensis,' with R. H. Webb, 1849. Pritz. 340; Jacks. 253, 255; Top. Bot. 540. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin. viii. 13; R. S. C. ii. 13; 'Flora of Hertfordshire,' 1887, xlii.; Journ. Bot. 1863, 318; Dict. Nat. Biog. xi. 290 Rubus Colemanni Bloxam.

Coles, or Cole, William (1626-62): b. Adderbury, Oxon, 1626; d. Winchester?, 1662. B.A. Oxon, 1651; B.D. Lived at Putney. Art of Simpling, Introd. to Knowledge of Pl., 1656. 'Adam in Eden,' 1657. "The most famous simpler or herbalist of his time," Wood. Eees; Pritz. 65; Wood, Ath. Ox. iii. 621 ; Diet. Nat. Biog. xi. 277.

Collie, Alexander (d. 1835) : d. King George's Sound, Dec.,