Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/66

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Darwin, Erasmus (1731-1802): b. Elston Hall, Notts., 12 Dec, 1731; d. Derby, 18 April, 1802. M.B. Camb., 1755; M.D. Edin.; F.R.S.; F.L.S., 1792. Grandfather of the preceding. Poet. Practised at Lichfield till 1781; then at Derby. 'Botanic Garden,' 1781. 'Phytologia,' 1801. Translated Linnaeus's 'Systema Vegetabilium' as a 'System of Vegetables' (1783), and his Genera and Mantissas as 'The Families of Plants,' 1787. Pritz. 76; Jacks. 537; Memoirs by Miss Seward, 1804; Life by Charles Darwin, 1879; Nich. Anecd. ix. 75; Felton, 164; Cott. Gard. iv. 43; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiv. 84. Portr. in Thornton's Botany; one by Wright, 1770; photo'd in Life by Charles Darwin, 1879; one by S. J. Arnold, engr. by B. Pym, 1801. Wedgwood medallion; one at Kew. Darwinia Rudge, Darwinia Denstadt=Litsæa Juss.

Darwin, Robert Waring (1724-1816): b. Newark, 1724; d. Elston, 1816. M.D. Leyden, 1784. Uncle of the above-mentioned. 'Principia Botanica,' 1787, ed. 2, 1807; ed. 3, 1810. Pritz. 76; Jacks. 537.

Daubeny, Charles Giles Bridle (1795-1867): b. Stratton, Gloucestershire, 11 Feb., 1795; d. Oxford, 13 Dec, 1867; bur. Magdalen College. M.A. Oxon, 1817; M.D., 1821; F.L.S., 1830; F.R.C.P., 1822; F.R.S., 1822. Prof. Chemistry, Oxford, 1822; of Botany, 1834. 'Action of Light on Plants,' Phil. Trans. 1836. 'Roman Husbandry,' 1857. 'Trees of the Ancients,' 1865. 'Miscellanies,' 1867. Pritz. 77; Jacks. 537; R. S. C. ii. 155; vii. 488; Journ. Bot. 1868, 22; Gard. Chron. 1867, 1294; Trans. Bot. Soc. Ed. ix. 267; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1867-8, ci.; Proc. Roy. Soc. xvii., lxxiv.; Munk, iii. 254; Journ. Hort. xiii. (1867) 462; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiv. 94. Oil portr. at Oxford Bot. Garden. Daubenya Lindl.

Davall, Edmund (1763-98): b. in England, 1763; d. Orbe, Switzerland, 26 Sept., 1798. F.L.S. Lived in Switzerland from 1788. Correspondent of Smith. Left incomplete 'Illustrations of Swiss Plants.' Pl. in Smith's Herbarium, Annals of Bot. i. (1805), 576. Rees; Pritz. 77; Smith Lett, ii. 1-4, 70, &c.; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiv. 99. Davallia Sm.

Davies, George (1834-92): b. Brighton, 12 Feb., 1834; d. Brighton, 6 April, 1892. Bryologist. List of Mosses in Erridge's 'Hist, of Brighton,' 1862; contrib. to Grevillea (1874 and 1876). Moss herbarium in Herb. Mus. Brit. R. S. C. ix. 648; Journ. Bot. 1892, 288.

Davies, Rev. Hugh (1739?-1821): b. Anglesey, 1739?; d. Beaumaris, 16 Feb. 1821. M.A. Cantab, 1763. Rector of Aber. F.L.S., 1790. Friend of Hudson. 'Welsh Botanology,' 1813. Contributed to 'Flora Anglica,' 'Flora Britannica,' and 'Eng. Bot.' Herbarium in Mus. Brit. Pritz. 77; Jacks. 247; R. S. C. ii. 166; Bot. Guide, i.; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiv. 138. Daviesia Sm.

Davies, Rev. John (circ. 1570-1644): b. Llanrhaiadar, Denbigh, c. 1570; d. Mallwyd, Merioneth, 15 May, 1644; bur. in Mallwyd Church. D.D. Oxon, 1616. Rector of Mallwyd,