Page:A Biographical Index of British and Irish Botanists.djvu/68

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Traveller. In Africa with Clapperton and Oudney from 1822-25. 'Narrative of Travels . . . in . . . Central Africa, 1826, with an 'Appendix of Natural History.' Dict. Nat. Biog. xiv. 341. Denhamia Schott = Caleasia.

Dennes, George Edgar (fl. 1838-50); F.L.S., 1838. Set Bot. Soc. Lond. 1839. Solicitor. Editor, 'London Cat. British Plants' (ed. 1). Phytol. i. 1014, 1098 (1844); ii. 815; Proc. Bot. Soc. Lond. Vicia Dennesiana Wats.

Denny, Henry (1803-71): b. Norwich?, 1803; d. Leeds 7 March, 1871. Entomologist. Curator of Leeds Museum. Sent list of Leeds plants to Watson for New Bot. Guide (p. 274). Dict. Nat. Biog, xiv. 374.

Denson, John (fl. 1822-38): d. 1874. A.L.S. Curator, Boi Gard. Bury St. Edmunds. Did the botanical part of Loudon's 'Arboretum,' 'Arboretum,' p. viii, and '1st additional supplement' (1832), to Loudon's 'Herb. Brit.' Bot. Mag. 2422. Cat. Bot. Gard. Bury St. Edmunds, 1822. Jacks. 409' R. S. C. ii. 240.

Dent, Peter (d. 1689): b. Cambridge?; d. Cambridge, 1689; bur. St. Sepulchre's, Cambridge, 5 Oct. Physician and Apothecary. M.B. Lambeth, 1678; Cambridge, 1680. Friend of Ray. Assisted in the 'Historia.' Ray Hist, i. 856. Discovered Papaver duhium. Pult. i. 200; Ptyor, Flora Herts. 1.; Dict. Nat. Biog. xiv. 378.

Dewhurst, John (fl. 1810-35). Fustian-maker. Of Manchester President of Lancashire Botanists, 1810-35. Cash, 16. Dick, Robert (1811-66): b. Tullybody, Clackmannanshire, Jan. 1811; d. Thurso, 24 Dec. 1866; bur. same place. Baker. Rediscovered Hierochloe borealis. Herbarium at Free Library, Thurso. Cash, 170; Life by S. Smiles, with portr. Dict. Nat, Biog. xv. 16.

Dickenson, Rev. Samuel (fl. 1735-99): LL.B. Camb., 1755 Rector of Blyihhill, Staffordshire. Correspondent of Withering, and contributed notes on Agrostis, &c., to 3rd ed. of his 'Arrangement,' With. Arr. 3rd ed., preface. Contributed list of plants to Shaw's Hist, of Staffordshire. Letters in Bot. Dept. Brit. Mus.

Dickie, George (1812-82): b. Aberdeen, 23 Nov., 1812; d Aberdeen, 15 July, 1882. M.A. Aberdeen, 1830; M.R.C.S. Lond., 1834; M.D. Aberd., 1842; F.L.S., 1863; F.R.S. 1881. Algologist. Lecturer on Bot. King's Coll., Aberd. 1839. Prof. Nat. Hist. Belfast, 1849. Prof. Bot. Aberdeen. 1860-77. 'Flora Aberdonensis,' 1839. 'Botanist's Guide to . . . Aberdeen . . .' 1860. 'Flora of Ulster,' 1864. Algæ in Herb. Mus. Brit. Pritz. 82; Jacks. 539; E. S. C. ii. 283; vii. 531; ix. 696; Journ. Bot. 1883, 30; N.B.G., 489; Top. Bot. ed. i. 522; Trans. Bot. Soc. Ed. 1839; Proc. Linn. Soc. 1882-3, 40; Stewart and Corry, Fl. N.E. Ireland, xx.; Dict. Nat. Biog. xv. 32. Dickieia Berkl. & Ralfs.

Dickinson, John (fl. 1699). Sent plants from Bermuda to Petiver. Journ. Bot. 1881, 258.

Dickinson, Joseph (d. 1865): d. Liverpool, 21 or 26 July, 1865.