Page:A Brief History of the Indian Peoples.djvu/114

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1398. [Irruption of the Mnghals under Timur (Tamerlane") in 1398-99, leaving behind a fifteen years' anarchy under the last of the line of Tughlak, until the accession of the Say- yids in 1414.] VI. The Sayyids. 1414-1450. Curtailed power of the Delhi Kingdom. VII. The Lodis (Afghan). 1450-1526. Feeble reigns; indepen- dent States multiply. VIII. House of Timur (Mughal). 1526-1530. Babar. 1530-1556. Humayun. [Sher Shah, the Afghan Gover- nor of Bengal, drives Huma- yun out of India in 1542, and his Afghan dynasty rules till 1 555-] 1 556-1605. Akbar the Great. 1605-1627. Jahangir. 1628-1658. Shahjahan; deposed. 1658-1707. Aurangzeb or Alam- gir I. 1 707-1 7 1 2. Bahadur Shah, or Shah Alam I. 1 71 2. Jahandar Shah. 1713-1718. Farukhsiyyar. 1 719-1748. Muhammad Shah (after temporary Emperors). [Irruption of Nadir Shah the Persian, I73 8 - I 739-] 1 748-1 754. Death of Muhammad Shah; and accession of Ahmad Shah, deposed 1754. I7S4-I759- Alamgirll. [Six invasions of India by Ahmad Shah Durani, the Afghan, 1748-1761.] 1759-1806. Shah Alam II, titular Emperor. 1S06-1837. Akbar II, titular Em- peror. 1837-1857. Muhammad Bahadur Shah, titular Emperor; the seven- teenth and last Mughal Emperor; gave his sanction to the Mutiny of 1857, and died a State prisoner at Rangoon in 1862.

The Rise of Islam.—While Buddhism was giving place to Hinduism in India, a new faith had arisen in Arabia. Muhammad, born in 570 a.d., created a conquering religion, and died in 632. Within a hundred years after his death, his followers had invaded the countries of Asia as far as the Hindu Kush. Here- their progress was stayed ; and Islam had to consolidate itself, during three more centuries, before it grew strong enough to grasp the rich prize of India. But almost from the first the Arabs had fixed eager eyes upon that wealthy empire, and several premature inroads foretold the coming storm.

Early Arab Invasions of Sind, 647 to 828 A.D.—About fifteen years after the death of the prophet, Usman sent a naval expedition to Thana and Broach on the Bombay coast (647 ?). Other raids towards Sind took place in 662 and 664, with no lasting results. In 711, however, the youthful Kdsim