Page:A Brief History of the Indian Peoples.djvu/179

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sufferings, no disasters ever shook for a moment its resolution; nor did the British nation ever fail its East India Company in any crisis of peril.

Materials for Reference.

A chronological list of the most noteworthy of the mediaeval travellers to India from the ninth to the sixteenth centuries is given in my Indian Empire, chapter xiv. Among authorities available to the English reader may be noted—(1) Sir George Birdwood's Report on the Miscellaneous Old Records in the India Office; (2) Peter Auber's Analysis of the Constitution of the East India Company and Brace's Annals of the Honourable East India Company; (3) the Abbe Raynal's History of the Settlements and Trade of the Europeans in the East and West Indies (not always accurate); (4) Orme's History of Military Transactions in Indostan (a masterpiece of minute history) ; (5) Hamilton's New Account of the East Indies; (6) Colonel Malleson's admirable History of the French in India; (7) Mr. G. W. Forrest's valuable Reports on the Government Records at Calcutta, Madras, and Bombay; (8) Mr. Morse Stephens' Albuquerque, and the Portuguese Settlements in India, in the Rulers of India Series; (9) the articles on the various settlements in The Imperial Gazetteer of India; (10) the chapters in Mill's History of British India, which deal with this period, are fairly trustworthy.