Page:A Brief History of the Indian Peoples.djvu/260

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256 INDEX. 59, 60; their change of occupa- tion, 97. Valabhi dynasty of Cutch, Malwa, and northern Bombay (480-722 a.d.), 92, 93. Vallabha-Swami,Vishnuite religious reformer (1520), 106. Vansittart, Henry, Governor of Ben- gal(1760-64), attempted tomakea compromise with Mir Kasim, 184. Varuna, Vedic god, 56, 57. Vedas, the, quoted on the non- Aryans, 40, 41 ; the four, 58. See also Rig- Veda. Vellore, Mutiny at (1806), 200. Victoria, Queen of England, pro- clamation of 1 Nov. 1858, on as- suming the government of India, 223, 230 j proclaimed Empress of India (1877), 233; celebration of her Jubilee (1887), 236. Vijayanagar, Hindu kingdom in Southern India (1118-1565), 127, 128; its overthrow (1565), 129; representatives, 130. Vikramaditya, king of Ujjain (57 -B.C.), Kalidasa wrongly said to have flourished at his court, 71 ; his wars with the Scythians, 91, 92. Vindhya mountains, 28; non- Aryan tribes of the, 43. Vishnu, early conception of, 62, 63 ; Vishnu-worship, 102-107; the in- carnations of Vishnu, 102, 103 ; the Vishnu Purana, 103 ; Vishnu- ite apostles — Ramanuja, 103,104; Ramanand, 104 ; Kabir, 104, 105 ; Chaitanya, 105, 106 ; Vallabha- Swami, 106, 107. Wajid Alf, last king of Oudh, de- posed (1856), 220. Wales, Prince of, visit to India (1875-76), 232, 233. Wandiwash, battle of (1760), 179. Wargaum, convention of (1779), 191. Watts, Mr., money received by after Plassey, 182. Wellesley, Marquess, Governor- General (1798-1805), 193-198 French influence in India, 194 Lord Wellesley's policy, 195 treaty with the Nizam (1798), 195, 196 ; third Mysore war and capture of Seringapatam (1799), 196 ; second Maratha war (1802- 1804), 197, 198; results of his conquests, 19S. Widows, burning of. See Satl. Willoughby, Sir Hugh, attempt to force the North-East Passage (1553), 168. Wilson, James, his financial reforms, 230, 231. Yajnavalkya, code of, 66. Yak cows, use of, in the Himalayas, '9- , , , Yakub Khan, Amir of Afghanistan, signed treaty of Gandamak (1879), 233 ; abdicated, 234. Vandabu, treaty of (1826"), 206. Yogis, Sivaite devotees, 102. Zafar Khan, founder of the Bahmani dynasty, 128. Zamindars of Bengal recognized as landlords, 192, 193. Zamorin of Calicut, connection of the Portuguese with the, 164, 165. Zeman Shah held his court at La- hore (1800), 209. Zul-fikar Khan, his power as general and minister at Delhi (1707-13), 150. 151. J 54-