Page:A Brief History of the Indian Peoples.djvu/38

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1891 (exclusive of Aden and the Andaman Islands) was in round figures 288 millions.

Name of Province. (Exclusive of the Native States attached to it.) Area in square miles. Total Population, 1891. Number of Persons per square mile.
1. Government of Madras 141,189 35,630,440 252
2. Government of Bombay[1]:
Bombay 77,275 125,127 15,985,270 18,857,044 206 150
Sind 47,852 2,871,774 60
3. Lieut.-Governorship of Bengal 151,543 71,346,987 460
4. Lieut.-Governorship of the Punjab 110,667 20,866,847 188
5. Lieut.-Governorship of the North-Western Provinces and 83,286 107,503 34,254,254 46,905,085 411 436
6. Chief Commissionership of Oudh 24,217 12,650,831 522
7. Chief Commissionership of the Central Provinces 86,501 10,784,294 124
8. Chief Commissionership of Burma[2]:
Upper Burma 80,473 168,448 2,946,933 7,605,560 35 45
Lower Burma 87,975 4,658,627 52
9. Chief Commissionership of Assam 49,004 5,476,833 111
10. Commissionership of Berar[3] 17,718 2,897,491 163
11. Commissionership of Ajmere-Merwárá 2,711 542,358 200
12. Commissionership of Coorg 1,583 173,055 109
Quetta[4] 27,270
Total for British India 961,994 221,113,264 229
  1. Excluding Aden, area 75 square miles, population 44,079.
  2. In Burma some returns were destroyed, and on the frontier there was only a rough enumeration; under these two heads there should be added an approximate population of 116,493.
  3. Berar consists of the six 'Assigned Districts.' They were made over to British administration by the Nizám of Haidarábád for the support of the Haidarábád Contingent, which he was bound by treaty to maintain, and in discharge of other obligations.
  4. A rough enumeration of the inhabitants of British Balúchistán, excluding Quetta, returned a population of 145,417.