Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/42

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INTRODUCTION. For the Degree of Master in Arts, the Candidate is to deliver from the pulpit in the Hall, six public Lectures.^ The Vice-Chan- cellor and Proctor are to prescribe the portions of these sciences on which he is to prelect. The Candidate is also to respond once, a Master of Arts being his opponent. When he has obtained the full degree of M. A., he is to give a caution that within a year, from taking the Degree, he will publicly treat some question of Phi- losophy, and once dispyte, a Bachelor, if possible of the third year, being respondent. He is also in his own class (in grege suo), to respond twice, to oppose twice, to declaim once, and to deliver one sermon or Common-place. In Hebrew and Greek he is to have knowledge, sufficient to prelect on each language, once. In Hebrew, on certain chapters of Ecclesiastes, prescribed by the Vice-Chancellor ; in Greek, on such portions of the first book of the Odyssey as shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor and the Proctor. The standing for the degree of A. M. is to be three years after taking the degree of A. B. It is also defined in this statute that a Master of Arts is to be a Kegent for five years, according to the custom of Cambridge, as it is expressly said.*' A Bachelor in Theology was to deliver three prelections on

  • The six Lectures are as follows :

viz. I. in Logic, 2. in Arithmetic, 3. in Geometry, 4. in Astronomy, 5. in Natural Philosophy, 6, "in Politics." b This may possibly shew the ad- vocates of Dr. Miller's views that the word Non-Regent Master was left Bnexplained in our Statutes because it was well known both here and in Cambridge. The words of the old statute are as follows: — "Nullis Bacchalaureis ante perfectus gradus Magisterii concedatur, quam trien- nium a suscepto in artibus Bacchalau- reatu coropleverint. Consecuti vero perfectum Magisterii Gradum, volu- mus, ut secundum Cantabrigiensis Academise consuetudinem, pro ma- gistris regentibus censeantur et re- gentiaB suae munus obeant per quin- quennium, frequentantes scil. Acade- micos conventus quoties a Provice- cancellario indicantur, idque induti habitu Academico, sub poena trium solidorum." Cap. viii. The Domus Regentium, or Regent House, al- though not mentioned or defined, because it was so well known, is not even yet altogether forgotten in the College. The term "Board" also, now commonly used to signify the Provost and Senior Fellows in their legislative capacity, is not defined, nor so much as mentioned in the Statutes.