Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/56

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1 INTRODUCTION. ment of the University, "and that there was "a general uncertainty in regard to the respective rights of the Vice-Chancellor and the Vice-Provost." But where is the evidence of the least uncer- tainty? "The Vice-Provost's negative was not allowed in the Kegent-house," whereupon he at once withdrew, "and was followed by the rest of the Senior Fellows, the Junior Proctor,* and Beadle." They acted promptly, and maintained their ground without any symptom of doubt or hesitation. It was perfectly certain that the Vice-Provost, in the Provost's ab- sence, had a veto by the University Statutes, and the result proved that the Vice-Provost was right in the opinion which he and his colleagues unequivocally asserted, " quod sine consensu Vice-Praepositi et Sociorum Seniorum nihil in hac re tuto agere posse existimant." They promised to return at once to the Ke- gent-house, if the Vice-Chancellor would proceed to confer the Degrees, or to transact any other business to which the Vice-Provost could consent. Here there is assuredly no doubt or uncertainty. And yet Dr. Miller says, " we see the Vice- Provost and Senior Fellows alleging confusedly the Charters, Laws, and Customs of the University, without venturing to par- ticularize the grounds of their resistance." Can anything be more unfair than this statement? Confusedly I Where is the confusion? They respectfully inform the Vice-Chancellor that without the consent of the Board, nothing can be safely (i. e, legally) done in this matter. Neither do they exhibit any re- Prsepositus et Socii Seniores notum suetudlnes Academise.' Upon the faciunt quod ipsi cum oflficiariis suis receiving this message, the Vice- prsedictis sine ulteriore mora in dome Chancellor adjourned the Commence- Regentium se sistent si tibi visum fue- ment to February the eleventh." rit, reverendissime Vice-Cancellarie, Miller, p. 6. procedereadcollationemgraduumaut * The Senior Proctor is not men- ad alias res peragendas quibus Vice ■ tioned, because he was one of the Prsepositus consenserit : aliter humil- Senior Fellows. The Provost was lime petunt ut eos excusatos habere absent, and therefore the Vice-Pro- digneris, nolentes aliquid agere contra vost took his place with the same Chartas fundatorias, Leges et Con- powers and rights.