Page:A Catalogue of Graduates who have Proceeded to Degrees in the University of Dublin, vol. 1.djvu/613

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IN THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN. 537 Stavely (Henry C), B.A., Vern. 1851. Stavely (Robert), Sch., 1846. — B. A., Fern. 1849. — M. A., and B.D., Fern. 1863. Stawell (Francis), B. A., ^sf. 1808. Stawell (George), B. A., ^st. 1790. 5 Stawell (George), B. A., Fe/w. 1858. Stawell (Jonas), B. A., ^st. 1790. Stawell (Sampson), B. A., Vern. 1759. Stawell (WiUiam), B. A., Vern. 1785.— M. A., ^si. 1805. Stawell (Wniiam Foster), B. A., ^st. 1837. 10 Stearne (Enoch), LL. D. {honoris causa), ^st. 1726. Steame (James), M. A., May i, 1654. — B.D., Jan. 26, 1661. — LL. D.,* Vern. 1665. Stearne (John), (Entrance, and B. A., not recorded). — Fell., 1652. — M. D., 1658. Steame (John), B. A., Jan. 29, 1673. — M. A., ^xt. 1676. — D. D., Vern. 1693. Stearne (John), B. A., Vern. 1678. — M. A., JEsf. 1681. — D.D., -^st. 1693. — Vice- Chancellor of the University, 1721. 15 Steel (Ninian), B. A., Vern. 1779. Steele (Edward), B. A., ^sf. 1834. Steele (Matthew), B. A., u^st. i860.— M. B., Vern. 1863. Steele (Otho WiUiam), B. A., mem. 1863. Steele (Sir Richard, Bart.), LL. D. {honoris causa), Vern. 1770. 20 Steele (Thomas), B. A., Vern. 18 10. Steele (Thomas), B. A., ^st. 1832. — LL.B., and LL.D., u^st. 1859. Steele (Thomas), Sch., 1843.— B. A., Vern. 1845. Steele (Walter), B. A., JEst. iSii. Steele (William), B. A., Vern. 1822. 25 Steele (WiUiam), B. A., Vern. 1844.— M. A., ^sf. 1856. Steele (WiUiam Edward), B. A., Vern. 1837. — M. B., ^s^. 1838. — M.D., Vern. 1856. Steele (WUliam Henry), B. A., ^st. 1866. .- Steers (Richard), B. A., Vern. 1724. — M. A., Vern. 1728. Stenson (John Ormsby), B. A., ^st. 1855. 30 Stephens (Daniel), B. A., Vern. 1842.

  • It is likely that this degree shoTold be stated "D. D."
