Page:A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge (1869).djvu/22

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CATALOGTJB OF MANUSCMPTS. 11 Bhoja up to his aocesfidon; the second, his generosity towards supposed contemporary poets, and his interconise with a certain EdlidSsa. See Oxford Catal. n. 320. Begins : ^iTO * '^ * ?pit 'TR f^ iwiT* ^nftr W ^rp^ I Ti^ ^ ^v& Ht^ Wpt ^pft '^ I ^ ^f^ VH^^^i} mfllcH^i *fA^^*t*I Isl^^i The date of the MS., 1675, was transferred by the transcriber from the original he had before him. R. IS. 68. 64 leaves, oblong form ; Indian paper ; Bengali cha- racter. Handwriting of about 1790. 8inhd8anadvdtrin§atikd, the thirty-two tales told by the ^^es on the throne of Yikram&ditya, a series of insipid tales in praise of Yikram&ditya. The authorship is in this MS. attributed to VararuchL See Bodl. Catal. n. 152. Begins: ^•Ifl^^^l'i^fll ft ^iWt J etc. I ^iil^AWifli T'Tirfi! ^wt: ij^<j ^^Sw 'rnn*. i