Page:A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge (1869).djvu/24

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च स्वपुर्यामनात् । तत: प्रभाते तडागं वखपूर्णं (Symbol missingSanskrit characters) तथअ हेमपुरुषं च वना मुमुदिरे । भो: कथं वसमायातमिति ॥

R. 15. 69.

310 leaves, in octavo; Indian paper; Bengali character. Copied about 1790.

a.—Foll. 1-168. The Sarasvatîprakriyâ Grammar, i.e., the Sarasvatîsûtra with a commentary by Anubhûtisvarûpa. Leaves and , which contained the first eighteen rules, are now missing.

The taddhitaprahriyâ ends fol. 66b. The lakârdrtha ends fol. 146b., and has the singular colophon: Iti (ṣrî-asiṅha-rachitâ Sârâsyatâkhyâtadîpikâ samâptâ.

b.—Foll. 169-271. The Nâmalingdnuṣâana, by Amarasinha. See below, p. 16. Many interlinear glosses.

c.—Foll. 281-310. The Kankalpadruma, by Vopadeva, a list of Sanskrit roots in alphabetical arrangement. See Bodl. Catal., n. 397.

R. 15. 70.

36 leavés, small folio; European paper; Devanâgari character. Copied about 1805.

The Sarasvtîra, with Andbhûtisavarûipa's commentary. The beginning up to near the end of the chapter on the construction of the cases (kârakaprakriyâ). See Bodl. Catal., n. 382. The work has lately been printed in India.