Page:A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge (1869).djvu/47

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36 CATALOGUE OF MANUSCRIPTS. nama ; fol. 60h. dvarastambhochchhrayavidhih ; fol. 62a. Gargiya- yam jyotishasamhitayam m(?)aiigavidya nama ; fol. 63a. mrigacha- kram; fol. 655. antarachakram samaptam; fol. 66a. mrigachakre prathamo 'dhyayah ; fol. 67a. vastuvidyayam prathamo 'dhyayah ; fol. 67a. vastuvidyayam prathamo 'dhyayah ; fol. 675. vastuvidya- yam dvitlyo 'dhyayah ; fol. 68J. vastuvidyayam dvarapramananir- ^690 nama; fol. 685. grihapraveso nama; fol. 725. grahayuddham prathamah; foL 73a. grahapradakshinam nama; fol. 735. grahavi- krldanam nama I ^hW THTf^ ^W ^^^ f^^I^ftN I WBH ^5ff?I TT^ TT^t U(f^dsld* n fol. 755. rohiniyogah prathamah ; fol. 80a. sringatakam namadhyayah ; fol. 815. grahapuranam nama; fol. 825. grahapako nama ; fol. 84a. yatrasiddhir nama ; fol. 85a. janapadavyuho nama ; fol. 88a. janapadavyuho nama (this chapter contains the names of a great number of countries) ; fol. 895. maha- salile pra^nanirdeso nama ; fol. 98a. salilam namadhyayah ; fol. 99a. grahaka^o namadhyayah; fol. 1005. rohiniyoge vatachesh^ito nama; fol. 102a. rohiniyogo nama; fol. 1035. rohiniyogopakhyanam samap- tam; fol. 1045. vayasavidya; fol. 105a. svatiyogah; fol. 1055. ashadhayogah; fol. 1075. vatachakram samaptam; fol. 108a. §vacha- kram namadhyayah. Sometimes the opinions of other writers are quoted, such as Gautama (fol. 155.), Devala (fol. 165.), Astta Devala (fol. 61a., 69a.), Vastshtha (fol. 94a ), Erkhndtreya (fol. 945., 975.) Ndrada, Bhdguri, JSroshfuki (these three on fol. 975.). The only Greek term met with in this MS. is the word kendra, hut the Yavanas are fre- quently mentioned. The chapter called mayHirachitraJca is entirely wanting, so also the chapter yugapurdna, from which Dr. Xern has given some extracts. See his preface to the Brihatsamhita, p. 33. The corrections on the margin are made by Bentley, and seem to be derived from the collation of another MS.