Page:A Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of Trinity College, Cambridge (1869).djvu/76

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CATAIOGXnB OF MANUSCRIPTS. 65 fol. 58a. ; asok&shtami (chaitre), fol. 5Ba. ; chaitravali, fol. 583. ; mabajyaisbthadtni, fol. 59a. ; dasahara, fol. 59a. ; araQyasbashthi, fol. 59a, ; samkrantinirQayay fol. 60a. Incidentally, the author quotes the opinions of other writers, mostly belonging to the class of lawgivers: Angiras, fol. 18a.; Garga, fol. 153., 16a., 18a., 21a., 22a., 26a.; Gargya, fol. 82a.; Gautama, fol. 33., 18a., 323.; ChMamanijyotisbasastra, fol. 323.; Daksha, fol. 19a. ; Deyala, fol. 183. ; Mrada, fol. 183. ; Parasara, fol. 153.,18a.,22a.,d8a.; BharadY&ja,fol.d2a.; Bhaguri,fol.253.;£hrigu, fol. 18a., d2a. ; Manu, fol. 18a. ; M^^davyasisbyah, fol. 223. ; Yavanah, fol. 83., 323. ; Yavan&dbipati, fol. 9a. ; Tajnavalkya, fol. 18a.; Vara- hamihira, fol. 18a., 21a. ; Yasishtha, fol. 32a. ; YS.tsya, fol. 163., 183.; Yy^sa, fol. 19a., 213., 22a.; Saunaka, fol. 19a.; Saty&ch&rya, fol. 31a. ; Harita, fol. 33., 183. Fol. 17. is a duplicate of the contents of fol. 163. The Library of the India Office has two copies of the same work, numbered 981 and 2299, both differing from our MS. chiefly by giving additional matter. R. IS. 129. 7 leaves, in folio; Indian paper; Bengali character. Copied at the end of last century. The first five chapters of the Jyotisharatnam&l&y an astro- logical treatise, by Srlpati-hhatta. Begins : See Oxford Catal., p. 331. 9