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Birmingham Collection

Birp (ALFRED) :— 64275 An Aecount of the Water-barometer constructed and erected re A. Bind, Birmingham. pp. 8. Illus. 8vyo. [1865]. ;

124796 —|[ Another copy.) Biro (Epwarp) :— mm: G2477 © Substance of a farewell sermon, preached at the Church of St. Thomas,

Birmingham. pp. 25. 8vo. 1847.

  • Birp (Isanetia L.) afterwards Mrs. Bishop.

Bird (Isabella L.) afterwards Mrs. Bishop, Work relating to :— 197193 * Stoddart (Anna M.) The Life of Isabella Bind, [including an aceount of her eonnection with St, Thomas's, Birmingham.] Port. Illus. 8vo. 1906. Birp (Perer HrxcKss) :— 63021 The Queen’s Hospital, Birmingham. Clinical reports of surgical cases ouile

the treatmout of W. Sands Cox. 2nd series. pp, 77. 8vo. 1849, NOTE—For Ist series of reports #ee Moore (John).

mre Society (City of Birmingham Cage) : see Cage Bird Society. irds :— 245684 Chase (R, W,) Notes upon the Ornithology of the distriet, In Handhook for Birmingham. British Association. duo. 1913. 135543 Colnun (I*.) The Ornithology of the City of Birmingham. A list of birds observed. within the City Boundary. pp. 12. 8vo. 1895, Birds : ‘see also Natural History,

Birmingham [General Works] :— hie’ XOTE.—This section includes — ae, which ure too general to he put under any more specille

hecullngs such a6 “* Guiles,” “* History,” 155217 Anderton (T.) A Tale of One City : the new Birmingham, duo, 1900. 227093 Bidlake (W. H.) Birmingham as it might be. Jn Birmingham Institutions,

Illus, duo, VOLL. 69526 Birmingham. From Our Own Country, vol, 2, 17 pp, Illus. Maps, 4to. (1880),

69527 Birmingham. From Pinnock’s Guide to Knowledge, No. 129. 8 pp. Map. 4to. [1834],

69530 Birmingham, From Post Office Diveetory of Birmingham. pp. 10. Svo. [L875].

52550 Birmingham a hundred and fifty years ago, [by ‘‘ Ernestus.”|] Zn Small Heath Literary Magazine, [Vol. 1]. 8vo. 1878.

66800 Birmingham ; a poem, [with notes]. pp. 18. duo. 1876.

103286 Birmingham. An alphabetieally arranged guide to the industrial resources

of the midJand metropolis. Leading merchants and manufacturers of Birmingham and district, Ports. Illws. 4to. [1888].

144973 = —{ Another copy. 231956 Birmingham and District. pp. 96. Illus. Map. (‘‘ Our Own District” Series.) duo. [L911]. 57797: Birmingham ‘aud the Black Country. | P 19, duo, [e. tes

. Birmingham and the Midlands, [by F. W. Hackwood.] (The English Counties : Supplementary Reader); see Hackwood, below.

Birmingham, 1837-07. A Souvenir of the Diamond Jubilec Year, [by R. K, Dent.] see Dent, below.

96586 Birmingham Faces and Places. An illustrated local magazine. Vols. 1-6 [May, 1888—Apl., 1894] All published. 6 vols, 8vo, [1888-94]. 98700 —|{ Another copy.]

6486 Birmingham in Miniature. pp, 68. IUus, Maps. (J. Allen and Son), duo. 1851. 64480 —{ Another copy.

180200 Birmingham : its life and literature, by John o’ London. From T.P.’s Weekly. 4to, 1904, 991 Birmingham past and present. From Pietorial World. pp, 16. Illus, (In

Birmingham Serap Book, Vol. 2.] fol. 1885,