Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/147

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Birmingham Collection

38113 51769 157500


63079 63081

69286 126089


Birmingham Magazine (The); or, Literary, Scientific, & Theological Repository.

{Nos. 1-0 (Nov., 1827—July, 1828)]. 8vo. 1828.

—[ Another copy.) —[ Another copy.j Birmingham Megnet (The). [Weekly periodical.} Vols. 1-4 (June 15, 1901—

Feb, 18, 1905.) All published. Ports. Illus. 4 vols. 4to. 1901-5. Birmingham Magpie (The). [Weekly periodical.] Nos. 1-6 (Aug. 12—Sept. 16,

1880). Illus. fol, 1880.

BrMincHuam Man, [pseud.]: see P. (G.). BirmrxcHam Manvuracturer (A), [pseud.] :—

Church Rates. A letter to William Stratford Dugdale, pp, 48, duo, 1837, Birmingham Manufacturer (Essays of a), by W. L. Sargant : see Sargant, Birmingham Manufecturer’s Accountant and Friendly Monitor, cte. pp. 27

duo. 1800,

Birmingham Medical Review : see Medical Review. Birmingham Mereury (The). [Weekly newspaper]. Vol. 2, No. 67, ete. (Ap. 6, 1850

—Nov. 20, 1858). 9 vols. fol. 1850-38.

NOTE—On Ang, 7, 1858, the title was changed to Biriningham Weekly Pres and Mercury,

This sct consists of >— 1850, Ap, Gto May 25; June $to Oct, 5; Oct, 19 to Nov, 23; Dec, 7 to 28,

1851, Jan, 4'to Aug. 23; Sep. 6,13; Sep, 27 to Dec, 27. 1852, Jan. 3 to Mar. 27; Ap. 10; Ap. 24 to Oct. 9; Oct. 23 to Dee, 25. 1853-54. Complete. 1856-7. Complete. 1858. Jan, 2 to Nov. 20. —— Several of the above numbers are imperfect. . Birmingham Methodist (The), a monthly magazine: see Methodist (The Birmingham). Birmingham Midlands ; see Hackwood (Frederick William). Birmingham Mirror (The). [A local Mutual Improvement Societies magazine,] Nos. 1-7 (Jan,—July, 1866), 8vo, 1866.

—[ Another copy.)

Birmingham Miscellany and Monthly Illustrated Journal (Clement Malins’) : see Malins.

Birmingham Modern Songster (The). A collection of original songs [relating to

Birmingham, written by G. J. P.j. (Adapted to popular airs.) [Monthly periodical.] No. 1 (May). duo. [e.1875}.

Birmingham Monthly Argus, and Public Censor : see Angus.

Birmingham Monthly Magazine. Aug., 1834—Jan., 1835. [Wants covers.) duo. 183(4-)5.

—[ Another copy. Wants titlepage, ete.|

Birmingham Monthly Magazine (The). A Journel of Entertaining Litereture. Vol. 1, No, 2 (Dec., 1863). duo. 1863.

Birmingham Morning News (The). [Daily newspaper,] Vol.1, No. 1 (Jan. 2, 1871) —Vol. 8, No, 1252 (Dec. 31, 1874); Vol. 10, No, 1435-1565 (Aug. 2—Dee. 31, 1875). 10 vols. in 13. fol. 1871-5.

Birmingham, Moseley and King’s Heath Society Journal. Vols. 1-6, 8-10, 12, ete,

(March, 1894, ete.) Imperfect. Ports. Illus, 8vo, 1894, ete. _ NOTE —Vols. 1:3 called Moseley Society Jonrnal; vols. 4-12, Birmingham and Moseley Society Journal Birmingham Musical Examiner and Dramatic Review: see Musical Examiner.

Birmingham (The Name of) :— ; An Historical Curiosity, by a Birmingham Resident. 141 ways of spelling Birmingham, pp, 22, duo. 1880. —{ Another copy.)

NOTE.—Thid tale, with documentary evilence attached, was deawn up originally by William Hampor, circa 1830: see Catalogue of Aston Manor Reference Library.

Duignan (W. H.) Warwickshire Place Names, duo, 1912.