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Blue Coat Charity School (continwed) ;— ee , Topham (J.) A Sermon, preached in the Church of St. Philip, Birmingham, in support of the fumes of the Bluc-coat Charity Sehool. pp. 15. duo, 1841. Bluc Ribbon Offieial Gazette : see Gospel Temperance Herald. BiytH (SAMUEL) :-— The Good Soldier of Jesus Christ characterized in a Sermon at Birmingham, ete. pp. 30. duo, 1754. Board of Education: see Education (Board of). Board of Guardians of the Poor: see Aston Union ; Poor and Poor Law. Board of Ordnance: see Gun Trade. Board of Trade Labour Exchanges: see Labour Exchanges. Board of Trade Provisional Orders: see Electricity ; Tramways. Board of Trade Reports on Birmingham Trades: see Smirke (R, 8.). Board of Trade Reports on Railway Accidents: see Railways. Board Schools: see Education ; School Board [1870-1903] ; Schools, Boarding-out Committee (Certified Voluntary) :— Annual Report of the (Certified Voluntary) Boarding-out Committee (of

Kings Norton Union), Ist Astley new [1896]. 24 vols. 8vo. 1873-97. NOTE—The Srd-7th Reporta hear the tithe *C i Voluntary Boarding-out Committee for Bir- mitgheawm Purich.* The Committee ceased to exist in 1997,

Boarding-out Pauper Children. Report of a Public Meeting held at Bir- mingham, 1869, [by the Society for befriending Orphan Pauper Children, ete.) pp, 43. 8vo. 1870.

The Society for befriending Pauper Children, Rules. pp. 3. 8vo. [1871].

Boarding-out Committee (King’s Norton) :—

Remarks by the King’s Norton Boarding-out Committee upon the Report of H.M,. Inspector, Miss Mason, printed in the Annual Report of the Local Government Board, 1886-7. pp. 28. 8va. 1888.

Report upon the results of the Boarding-out System, as exemplified in the after life of 82 Boys and 127 Girls under the King's Norton Boarding-out Committee, who ceased to be chargeable between 1873 and 1889. pp, 19, 8vo. (1890).

Summary of Report to the Aston Board of Guardians on the results of boarding- out of pauper children, as exemplified in after life of children committed to the charge of Kings Norton, Bewdley, ete., Boarding-out Committees. pp. 8. Svo. 1896,

Boarding Schools for Mentally Deficient Children : see Eclucation, Boat Club (Hope Iron) :—

Rules and regulations of the Hope lon Boat Club [for building and pur-

chasing wrought iron canal boats]. pp. 16. duo. (1856), Boat Society (Jones's Birmingham) :-—

Articles of Agreement between the Members of a [Boat Building] Society, to meet at the House of Mr, John Jones, The Waggon and Horses, Summer Row, Birmingham. pp. 8. 8vo, 1808,

Boatmen’s Friend Society ; see Seamen and Boatmen’s Friend Society. Bovprceker (G, A.): see Boeddicker,

  • Boppineton (HELEN), :

Bonen (Gzorak) Work edited by :—

The Staffordshire and Worcestershire [ajterwards The Midland] Red Book, 1878-1880. (Stourbridge and Kidderminster.) 3 vols. duo, [1877-9].

Bodington Family :—

Carter (W. F.) Pedigree of the Family of Bodington of Great Harborough,

Cubbingion, [Birmingham,] ete. Chart, fol, 1895,