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Birmingham Collection

Boulton (Matthew Robinson) Works relating to :— 82034 Copper Coinage, An account of the quantity of copper coined hy Mr. Boulton. (Parliamentary Report.| pp. 3. [In A colleetion of letters, ete., relating to Boulton and Watt, colleetecdk by S. Timmins, ete.], fol, L819, 172745 A correet report of the trial of Boulton v, Crowther, an action against the trustees of the Wednesbury and Handsworth turnpike roads for damages in the alteration of the road at Soho Hill, Handsworth. pp. 24. 8vo. [1824]. 60703 Lander (G.) An answer to the pamphlet of M. R. Boulton, relative to his father’s funeral, pp. 66. Svo. 1811. Boulton (Matthew Robinson) : see also Boulton (Matthew). Boulton Estate :— 17969 Act for confirming certain building leases granted by Matthew Piers Watt Boulton, Esquire, of certain lands in the parishes of Handsworth and Buminghaim or one of them, which are subject to the uses of the will of the late Matthew Robinson Boulton, Esquire, and for authorising building and mining and other leases of the estates ; ete. (387 & 38 Viet., c. 5). 4to,

1874. Boundaries: General Works. 150530 Counties of Stafford and Worcester and the County Borough of Birmingham.

Local Government Act, 1894, Order of the King’s Norton Joint Committee. ff. 20. 8vo, [1894].

94698 Hfoughton] (C.) Greater Birmingham. A short history of the boundaries question. pp. 16. Map. 8vo. 1888.

243371 [Newspaper cuttings relating to Greater Birmingham. Jn Birmingham Newspaper Serap Book, collected by G. H. Osborne.) fol. [1867-1907].

200867 Parish of Birmingham and Loeal Government Boundaries Commission Inquiry at the Council House, Birmingham, Apr. 11th, 1888. pp. 13. 8vo. [L888}.

64851 Wards of the Borough of Birmingham, and the District comprised in each

[as fixed by the Charter of Incorporation, 1888.] pp. 8. duo. [1838)}. Boundaries : Extension of 1891. (Annexation of Balsall Heath, Harborne, Saltley, and Little Bromwich.)

112242 Act to confirm a Provisional Order of the Local Government Board relating

to the City of Birmingham, (54 & 55 Vict., e. 161.) 4to, 1891, ’ Boundaries : Extension of 1909. (Annexation of Quinton.) ‘

222122 Act to confirm certain visional Orders of the Local Government Board relating to Birmingham and Wakefield. (9 Edw. VUL, ¢. 122.) 4to. 1909.

222516 —{ Another edn. of the Birmingham portion only.] 4to. 1909.

222511 Bill to confirm certain Provisional Orders of the Local Government Board relating to Birmingham and Wakefield. (9 Edw. VIT,) fol. 1909.

222509 City of Birmingham. Representation to the Local Government Boanl as to alteration of the Boundary of the City, fol. 1908.

222510 Local Government Act, 1888. Inquiry by the Local Government Board as to the alteration of the Boundary of the City of Birmingham, [Proceedings]. fol, 1909.

222512 Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 7) Bill (Birmingham Order). [Four] Petitions against, (House of Commons.) 4 vols. fol. 1909.

222514 Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 7) Bill (Birmingham Onter). [Two] Petitions against. (House of Lords.) 2 vols, fol. 1909.

222513 Select Committee on the Local Government Provisions] Orders (No. 7) (Bir-

mingham Order) Bill, [Speeches and Minutes of Evidence.) (House of Commons.) fol. 1909,

222515 Select Committee on the Local Government Provisional Orders (No, 7) (Bir- mingham (Extension) Order) Bill. [Speeches aml Minutes of Evidence.] (House of Lords.) fol, 1909,