Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/184

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Reference Library, Birmingham






240041 37800

68157 STEOL

66711 34017

64598 243228 202162 139224 139225 250633


87086 134587


144975 C0375


2319 170818

Buitock (CHARLES) :—

The late Rev. C. B. Snepp [of Perry Barr]. From Home Words. [ Zn Serap

book relating to Perry Barr, collected by G, H. Osborne]. 8yo. [1880]. Butxiock (Cuarves FP.) :—

Catalogue of Baxter Prints: see Booksellers’ Catalogues.

Bull's Eye (The). The official organ of the Birmingham Rifle Club, [ajterwards

of Civikan Rijle Clubs generally.) Vois. 1-5 (May, 1100—Sept, & Oct., 1905). All published, 5 vols. 4to. 1900-5.

ButMer (AGNES) :-—

An elegy on the death of Mrs. H. A. Rogers. With thoughts on a future State,

cte.: by a young lady in [Mrs. Rogers’] class. pp. 12. duo. 1795. Bumby (Rev. John Hewgill) Work relating to :—

Barrett (fev A.) The life of the Rev. J, H. Bumby, [minister at Belmont

Row Chapel, 1836-38.] Port, 3rd edn, duo, 1859, Bunrury (Ropert 8.) :—

The effects of prudenee on the welfare of man. A sermon, preached in St.

Thomas’s Chureh, Birmingham, pp, 16, 8vo, 1841,

  • Bunce (JOHN THACKRAY) :-—

Address at the distribution of prizes to students of the Birmmgham Municipal School of Art, 1892. pp. 24. 8vo. [1892].

Birmingham & Midland Institute. Address delivered at the Annual Meeting, . 1876. pp. 16. 8vo. 1876.

—{ Another copy.|

Birmingham & Midland Institute. Address delivered at the Annual Mecting, 1877. pp. 14. 8vo. 1877.

~—[ Another copy.)

The Birmingham General Hospital and Triennial Musical Festivals, Papers from ‘* Aris’s Birmingham Gazette,’ 1858, with additions, [ Anon,] Svo. [1858].

—| Another copy.)

—| Another copy.)

—[ Another edn., with supplementary chapter, Anon.], Svo. [1861].

eee General Hospital ; 1779-1897. A narrative. pp. 38. Illus. 8vo. 1897,

—[ Another copy.]

Binningham Literary and Drematie Club. Shakespeare Dinner, 1896, Speech, PP. 8. [/n Birmingham Dramatie and Literary Club, Papers ete.]. 8yo. | 1896}.

Birmingham Reference Library Lectures [2nd series}. Books on Biography aml Autobiography. 8vo, [1886].

—{ Another copy.)

The History of King Edward's Foundation in Birmingham. A lecture at the conference of the Teachors’ Guild held in Birmingham, 1895. pp. 2.8vo.

[1895]. History of Old St. Martin's, Birmingham. Illus. by A. E. Everitt. pp, 52. fol, 1875,

—[Another copy.] wnea the Binningham General Hospital and the Musical Festivals. 8yo. io}. History of the Corporation of Birmingham ; with a sketeh of the earlier govern- ment, By J.T. Bunee (and C, A, Vinee). 3 vols, Svo. 1878-1902. —[ Another copy.| —[ Another copy.)