Page:A Catalogue of the Birmingham Collection - 1918.pdf/222

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Reference Library, Birmingham

Chase (Robert W.):—

180365 19993





254480 254409



181003 181004



Notes upon the Ornithology of the district. In Handbook for Birmingham.

British Association. duo, 1913. CUATTERTON (STEPHEN) :—

Poems ; consisting of clegies, odes, and songs ; ete. To which are added, in prose, Strictures on the late Birmingham Riots, [entitled The Seven Chapters of the First Book of Things, ete., by Levi Ben Mordceai.] duo, 1795.

—{ Another copy.}

Chattock Family :—

Chattock (C.) Memorials of the family of Chattock, or Chadock. Jn The

Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine, 4to, 1859-77. Cuatrock (CHRISTOPHER) :— Antiquities : translations of inedited charters and deeds from A.D, 1171, 4to,

1884. NOTE—The Decds translated in this volume are chiefly in the Birmingham Reference Libeary, and are catalogued under “* Deeds.”

Memorials of the family of Chattock, or Chadock. In The Warwickshire Antiquarian Magazine. 4to. 1859-77. Cnatrock (Rictarp A.) :— Electricity Supply. Zn Handbook for Birmingham, British Association.. duo. 1918. :

  • CuatTrock (RicHanp 8.).

Cuatwin (Putuir B.) :-— Edgbaston. Jus. Plan, In Birmingham and Midland Institute. Archwolo- gical Society, Transactions, 1903. 4to, 1914. A History of Edgbaston; {reprinted from the Birmingham Archeological Society. Transactions, 1913.] pp. 27. Illus, Plan, 4to, 1914. —[ Another copy.]


CHAWNER (R. C.) :-— The Present position and future prospects of English Agriculture ; read at the Ist meeting of the [Midland Farmers’] Club, Birmingham, 1864. pp. 13. Svo. {1864}. Cheap Dinner Fund (Birmingham Schools): see Dinner Fund. Cheap Meals for Poor School Children : see Dinner Fund. Cheatle ( Rev. George) : see Lombard Chapel. CuECKLAND (Sypney T’.) :— Co-operation and Co-partnership, [by 8. 'T. Checkland and J. 8, Nettlefold.] Correspondence re Moor Pool Supply Association, Birmingham, ete. pp. 12. 8yo. [1912]. Cierrins (CHarves I.) :— Maps of London and Birmingham and Grand Junction Railways : see Maps. Chelt Club (Midland) :— Midland Chelt Club, (Programme, 1903-4.] duo, [1903]. Midland Cheit Club. [Report, 1903 (19th year) ote.] duo, [1904, etc.]. Chemical Industry (Society of), Birmingham Section :-— Tucker (A, E.) Society of Chemical Industry. Birmingham Section. The formation and analysis of Clays. [A paper.] pp. 19. duo. 1910. Chemical Society (Birmingham Municipal Technical School ) :— - Woodward (C. J.) Evening Chemical Teaching in Birmingham. [A retrospect.) An aildress to the Municipal Technical School Chemical Socicty, Bir- mingham, pp. 12, 8vo. {1900}.

Chemical Society (University of Birmingham) : see University.